The Wolves

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"Hurry mother, they're after us!"Mr. Beaver slams open the door to his small home with the four of us behind him anxious. "Oh right then!" Mrs. Beaver says almost calmly and begins to collect some of her things. "What she doing?" Peter asks. "Oh you'll be thanking me later!" Mrs. Beaver says and I walk over and begin taking stuff from the cabinets. "Take that!" Mrs. Beaver says to me and points to her sew set. "Are you sure we need it?" I ask and Mrs. Beaver takes it and shoves it into my hands. I shove the sewing kit into the large pocket up my coat. 

She then begins to grab food. "It's gonna be a long journey and Mr. Beaver gets cranky when he's hungry!" Mrs. Beaver says and Mr. Beaver interrupts her. "I'm cranky now!" he yells and I can't help but laugh a little. Susan and Lucy looked at me like I'm crazy to laugh in this situation. I shrug my shoulders "They're cute!" I say and then head over to the cabinets. 

I start to wrap up the jam in a small bit of fabric. "Amelie do you really believe we will need jam?" Susan says and I look over at her and hand her the jam. "The witch isn't gonna be serving toast to us Amelie!" Peter says and I wrap up another jar. "Maybe if we offer it to her we might be able to win her over?" I say unsure of my own words. "Oh my God" Peters says rubbing his face with his hands.  

"Oh stop you're fine!" I say towards him. "I won't be fine in a couple of minutes when I'm being mauled to death by a pack of aggressive wolves!" Peter yells and I hand him the jar making him hold it. "You are the most dramatic person I've ever met in my entire life!" I yell back at him and he gives out a long sigh. I roll my eyes but stop when all of a sudden there's scratching at the walls of the home. I quickly tuck all of the jam into my coat pocket. 

"Leave it what are you doing?" Peter yells at me. "I'm sorry I cant think when I'm under stress" I yell back. "I'll think for you, put the jam away" he yells again and I put one of the cans back and keep the rest. "Good enough" Peter says nodding his head and leading me towards Mr. Beaver. 

Mrs. Beaver then opens up a cellar door which has a small tunnel inside of it. We slip into the tunnel running through it as we hear the wolves aggressive howls and growls. 

"Badger and me dug this. comes out right near his place" Mr. Beaver explains as we run through the tunnel with a lit flaming torch to help us see. "You told me it led to your moms!" Mrs. Beaver says under her breath. 

Lucy then falls and Susan and I quickly start to help her up but then we hear the growls of the wolves louder then before. "They're in the tunnel" Lucy whispers and there's a moment of silence where all of us could feel the fear in our stomachs. "Quick this way!" Mr. Beaver shouts. 

He leads us to a dead end. "You should have brought a map!" Mrs. Beaver yells obviously more scared than before. "There wasn't room next to the jam!" he yells and I look at Peter and Susan who give me a 'I told you so' look. "Sorry" I say looking down towards my feet. 

Mr. Beaver then leads us to another exit from the tunnel. I sprint in front of Peter now. "Come on Lucy!" I hear Susan plead as she gets up out of the hole. I pull myself out and then reach my hand down to Peter who grabs it immediately and I lift him out of the tunnel. He nods his head after I pull him up as a way to thank me. 

Peter puts a large barrel in the front of the exit of the tunnel. We all go quiet though when we turn and see a statue that looked like it was once a living breathing animal. "I'm so sorry dear" Mrs. Beaver says comforting Mr. Beaver. A badger looking fearful was completely frozen into a statue. 

"He was my best mate" Mr. Beaver says in a sad tone. "What happened here?" Peter says and I look around at all of the other animals who were frozen in time. Another voice however spooks me. "This is what becomes of those who cross the witch!" A fox appears. He stands on a large rock in front of us. 

"You take one more step traitor I'll chew you to splinters!" Mr. Beaver threatens. "Relax, I'm one of the good guys" The fox says jumping from the rock and stands in front of all of of us. "Yeah? we'll you look an awful lot like one of the bad ones!" I begin to step forward but Peter grabs my waist holding me back. 

"An unfortunate family resemblance but we can argue breeding later right now we've got to move." the fox says and we then hear the howls of the wolves once again. "What do you have in mind?" Peter says quickly. 

Girl why she so crazy about the damn jam. 

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