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I look and see two knights about to throw a Narnian in the river and I quickly send one of my knives into the side of the boat

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I look and see two knights about to throw a Narnian in the river and I quickly send one of my knives into the side of the boat. "Drop him!" I yell and the knights and Narnian look at the five of us in shock. 

They then throw him into the river and Peter and Edmund run towards the water. The knight picks up his crossbow aiming it towards me but Susan's arrow had already hit his chest before he can fire off the bow. 

Peter dives underneath the water for a moment it's quiet and then he comes back up to the surface with the Narnian. He pulls him onto land and I quickly cut him loose. He spits out the water he was choking on and then looks up at the five of us. 

"Drop him!" he yells towards me. "That's the best you can come up with?" I reach down taking a a piece of my dress and wiping off his forehead. "A simply thank you is okay" I reply calmly. It was bad wording I have to admit. 

"They were doing fine drowning me without your help" he says and Peter grabs me and takes me back from the dwarf. "Maybe we should have let them." He says angrily. "Why are they trying to kill you, anyway?" Lucy asks kindly.

"They're Telemarines, that's what they do" he says and I look towards Edmund confused who this Telemarines are. "Telemarines in Narnia?" Edmund says confused. 

"Where have you been the past few hundred years." the dwarf says and Lucy giggles. "It's a bit of a long story" she says and I hand Peter his sword he takes it and places it in his hands ready if the dwarf tries to test us. 

The dwarf then looks at the five of us and something clicks for him. "You've got to be kidding me, you're it, you're the kings and queens of old?" he yells. Peter steps forward and reaches out his hand. "High king Peter the magnificent" he says and Susan interjects. "You probably could have left off the last bit." she says and the dwarf laughs. 

"You might be surprised" Peter says reaching for his sword. "You don't want to do that boy" the dwarf says and Peter smiles. "Not me, him" he points towards Edmund who already has his sword ready to duel the dwarf. 

"Maybe we should let him rest for a moment so its fair" I jump in smiling towards the dwarf. He looks at me clearly annoyed and I smile even wider happy to have gotten under his skin. "I don't need rest" he says. 

The sword falls under the weight of the dwarf but he then quickly launches the sword up towards Edmund. His fist comes into contact with Edmund's face and the two battle. Edmund quickly retaliates and hits the dwarfs back. 

He lets out a yelp and Lucy, Susan and I laugh. He launches his sword towards the boy again but Edmund now has the power in the fight. He slams his own sword down and the dwarfs sword goes flying to the side. 

"Beards and Bedsteads! Maybe that horn worked after all" the dwarf says amazed. "What horn?" Susan asks. 

"They're so still" Lucy says looking up at the trees. Peter rows the boat and I admire his arms as he does. He catches me and smirks. I turn away blushing. "They're trees what do you except" Trumpkin our dwarf friend says. "They use to be a lot more lively" I say and he looks at me confused. 

"Yeah, they use to dance" Lucy says. "Yeah it wasn't long after you left the Telemarines invaded, those who survived retreated to the woods, and the trees, they retreated so deeply into themselves that they haven't been heard of since" Trumpkin says and look towards the once peaceful creatures. If we had stayed would it be different. 

"I don't understand how could Aslan had let this happen?" Lucy asks. "Aslan? Thought he abandoned us when you lot did?" Trumpkin says. "We didn't mean to leave you know" Peter cuts in. I could tell he felt bad and so I grabbed his leg and squeezed it. 

"Makes no difference now does it?" Trumpkin says and Peter cuts in. "Get us to the Narnians and it will" he then does a couple strong rows and we begin to pick up in pace through the clear blue river.

We reach land and Trumpkin docks us. Peter grabs my hand helping me out of the boat and then I help tug the boat onto land. Lucy walks admiring our once home. "Hello there!" I hear and turn to see Lucy talking to a bear. He stands onto his legs and she tries to reassure the creature. "It's alright we're friends" she yells walking closer towards the bear. My stomach began to knot had Narnia changed that much?

"Don't move your majesty" Trumpkin yells and I look over at him confused. In Narnia an animal had never attacked us. I then see the bear charge towards Lucy. I quickly take a knife out of my belt. I hesitate to throw it assuming maybe the bear will stop. I see Susan holding up her bow ready to fire. "Shoot Susan!" Edmund yells. 

I then see an arrow go directly into the bears heart. I look over to see Trumpkin with his bow up. "Why wouldn't he stop?" Susan asks and Trumpkin steps forward. "Assume he was hungry" he says and I look at him confused. 

I then dart towards Lucy grabbing her and taking her away from the lifeless bear. "Thanks" Lucy whispers towards the dwarf who pokes the bear making sure he is gone. "He was wild?" Edmund says. "I don't think he could talk at all" Peter says.

"Get treated like a dumb animal long enough, that's what you become." Trumpkin says and I look towards the bear sadden that Narnia has been abused since we left and we need to heal it's bruises fast to bring it back to what it once was. I almost feel a tad angry that Aslan hadn't returned when they needed him. I then also feel guilty because we left them as well so part of this was our fault. 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!!! Love you all! Please comment and let me know!

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