The Queen Of Narnia

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"Jadis, the queen of Narnia!" I hear yells from a dwarf

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"Jadis, the queen of Narnia!" I hear yells from a dwarf. I look and see a very large lady up on a chair surrounded by cyclops carrying it. She was pale almost as if she had never had the sun shine on her skin before. I felt my entire body become cold when I catch her gaze. She sends me a cursed stare and my heart begins to beat faster than it ever has before.

She was very tall and had an elvish look to her. She was wearing a dress that I was almost jealous of. I hated to say it but she was beautiful and I could see how Edmund was so easily fooled by her. If I didn't know what I had known now I would have fallen for her tricks easily. 

The crowd screams for the witch to leave and that she doesn't belong here. The cyclops then put her down and she walks forward towards the growling lion. She looks towards a nervous Edmund who I hug tighter towards me in order for him to feel more protected. "Nothing will happen to you I promise" I whisper towards him and he clings to me and I can feel his little hands shaking. 

"You have a traitor in your midst, Aslan" She starts and the crowd breaks out in murmurs and I look over at Peter. Peter then grabs my hand and holds onto it tightly. I can feel the nerves in his body and it sent its own shock waves through mine. He however seemed to calm down when he held my hand. 

"His offense was not against you" Aslan begins. "Have you forgotten the laws upon which Narnia was built?" The witch says and Aslan growls. "Do not site the deep magic to me, witch, I was there when it was written" 

"Then you'll remember well that every traitor belongs to me, his blood is my property" the witch says and Peter angrily lets go of my hand taking his sword out and pointing it at the witch. "Try and take him then" he says and I quickly take a knife from my bundle ready to throw if I need to protect Peter. I aim it straight towards the witches neck. 

"Do you really think that mere force will deny my right, little king" the witch almost laughs as she adds little king to the end of it. I could feel my jaw clench and I looked towards her. "You'll die if you try to take him!" I say and her head snaps towards me. "You will be murdered before that knife leaves your hands child" she says and the crowd begins to reach for their weapons. 

Peter then puts his hand onto mine and puts down the knife calming the crowd. The queen sends me a wicked smile and I keep a straight face with her. She then turns towards Aslan again "Aslan knows that unless I have blood, as the law demands, all of Narnia will be overturned and perish in fire and water that boy will die on the stone table, as is tradition, you dare not refuse me" The witch commands and I once again push Edmund behind my back. 

"Enough" Aslan says calming the crowd. "I shall talk to you alone" he then says and walks into his tent. The witch then slowly walks into the tent with him. It seems as though years had passed when finally the witch and Aslan return from the tent. 

She sends the five of us a glare and then walks towards her chair. Aslan then announces "She has renounced her claim on the blood of the son of Adam" The crowd then celebrates and I quickly hug Edmund excited that his life has been spared. 

The witch then interrupts the cheers and looks towards the lion. "How do I know your promise will be kept?" she yells. Aslan then lets out a loud roar and the witch immediately sits in her chair with fear causing the crowd to laugh. 

The Peter and Amelie moment will be next chapter! There will also be a chat between Aslan and Amelie. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Love you!

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