The River

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I looked over the side of the cliff and into the rushing river below

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I looked over the side of the cliff and into the rushing river below. The ice was breaking and melting right before our eyes. The river was rushing down wards and there would be no way you could cross it unless you did it that very second. 

The sun felt warmer than it has been the last couple of days. The air seemed to also be warming up and the trees started to get some color. I wondered if I was ever gonna be able to meet the trees if they were alive. 

"We need to cross now!" Peter urgently says grabbing mine and Lucy's hand. Lucy looked over at the beavers. "Don't beavers make dams?" I looked towards the beavers hoping they would be able to save us before the ice had completely melted. "I'm not that fast dear" Mr. Beaver reasons and Peter interrupts. "We need to go now!" he urges us down towards the river. 

"Wait can we just think about this for a moment?" Susan yells. "Susan we don't have a minute look at the river!" I say and grab her hand and pull on it. More of the river begins to crack away and head down the stream. "I'm just trying to be realistic!" Susan yells towards me. "Don't yell at her Susan lets go!" Peter says and I tug onto Susans hand. She reluctantly agrees realizing that there is no other way around it. 

I could hear the ice around us cracking as we each made a step. It didn't seem like we would be able to cross. Peter stepped onto a piece of ice and it cracked immediately confirming my suspicions. "Wait, maybe I should go first" Mr. Beaver said stepping onto the ice. He tapped his tail on pieces as they cracked around him. 

"You've been sneaking second helpings, haven't you?" Mrs. Beaver laughs and Mr. Beaver looks towards his wife. "well, You never know which meal will be your last, especially with your cooking" Mr. Beaver laughs towards his wife and I couldn't help but view their relationship differently. 

They had always been able to laugh in even the scariest of situations. I could see how much they cared for one another even if they were just beavers who happen to talk. I hadn't seen a relationship like theirs ever in my life and I wanted it badly. 

I looked at the three Pevensie. In just a matter of days these three have become more of a family to me than my own father. It made me anxious to get back and I almost didn't wanna leave this magical place. If we really were the chosen ones to defeat this witch I would do everything in my power to stop her and protect these sweet innocent animals and the Pevensie children. 

I looked towards Lucy and Susan. Susan had a nervous look on her face. I squeezed her hand and she looked up at me. "It's okay" I whispered and she seemed to relax as my words echoed through her ears. She gave me a nervous smile and then I looked to my other side whispering the same to Lucy and squeezing her hand. The girls calmed down a bit letting each of us think a little clearer. 

I then looked towards Peter his expression was unreadable almost as if he had just seen something for the first time. I gave him a smile and he returned it with a full smile with a blush on his cheeks. I couldn't tell if he was blushing for real or if it was the breeze kissing his soft cheeks. 

We then each followed Peter as he stepped onto the ice. It creaked and cracked as each of us held onto each other. Lucy grabbed onto Peter as the ice split almost having her fall in. I grabbed the back of Lucy's jacket in case she were to slip in again I would have a grip on her. 

"If Mum knew what we were doing!" Susan says and Peter turns his head towards her. "Mums not here!" he says and turns back ahead. The ice above us then begins to fall from the cliff side. I looked up and the wolves were running towards the other side of the river meeting us there. I felt even more fear build in my stomach as I heard their howls from above. 

"Run!" Peter said and the four of us and the beavers began to run as fast as we could across the grinding ice. Before we knew it we were cornered by the wolves with each on either side of us. Mr. Beaver tried to act intimidating by hissing but the wolf immediately pounced onto him. Mrs. Beaver screamed worried for her husband and Lucy screamed out Peters name hoping he could do something to save the beaver. 

I reached for a dagger but I had never used a throwing knife before and was completely unsure of how to throw a calculated knife. Peter reached for his sword and held it out as a warning towards the wolves. "Put that down boy someone could get hurt" the alpha said mockingly walking towards us. I grabbed Lucy and pushed her behind me trying to shield her from the wolves. I look back at Susan making sure she was also okay. 

"Leave now while you can and your brother leaves with you" he says and at the mention of Edmund we all perk up just a bit hoping that wherever he is he is safe. "Maybe we should listen to him!" Susan says and Peter still holds out his sword ready to strike if needed. 

"Don't listen to him, kill him, kill him now" Mr. Beaver yells as he wrestles with another one of the pack. "Oh this isn't your war, all my queen wants is for you and your family to go" he begins and Susan pleads with Peter. 

"Look just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword, it doesn't make you a hero! Just drop it" Susan yells and looks at the wolf as he comes closer to our group. "What's it gonna be, son of Adam, I won't wait forever" the alpha says and then the river begins to crack and streams of water bust out of the ice. The ice under are feet also begins to crack. 

"Hold onto me!" Peter yells at us and I grab ahold of Lucy and Peter and Peter splits the ice in two. The dam then explodes sending us flying through the icy waves. I notice Lucy begins to slip away from Peters grasp and I see her go under the icy waves. I scream her name and immediately dive in head first looking for the girl and fighting the current. 

My lungs fill with the cold water and but I could feel my adrenaline letting me swim and stay above the surface. I call Lucy's name once again hoping I get a response. I don't hear anything and begin to whip my head around looking for anything that could be here. 

I then see a splashing young girl and reach towards her and wrapping my arm around her. I pull her to the side and swim up onto the landing. I then hear a scream through the river. "Lucy!" it was Susans voice and then I hear my own name called. "Amelie! where did you go Amelie!" it was Peter's voice he sounded urgent and scared like he was calling for his mother scared of the monster in his closet as a child. 

"Has anyone seen my coat?" Lucy answers walking up to the group with me holding her hand. Susans eyes flood with relief and she hugs Lucy and then me. "Thank you for helping her" Susan says as we hug. I pull away and am hugged again this time by Peter. "You're okay!" he says into the embrace almost as if he is reassuring himself that I was actually there with him.  

"I don't think your gonna be needing those coats anymore" Mrs. Beaver says looking towards the melting snow. I feel the sun beating down on me and I quickly take the cans of jam out of my coat and hand them to Mrs. Beaver. I then leave my coat hanging it neatly on a branch of a newly sprouted tree. 

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Little shout out to the title in this one! Love you and hope you all are having a good day or had a good day!

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