The Train

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Amelie POV

I've thought about just walking onto the train tracks instead of being forced to go to St. Finbars school. I wondered if all of the excited kids around me dressed in similar clothing would even notice me jumping. They all seemed so invested with one another asking about each others summer vacations. I overhear a group of girls talking about getting to second base with their boyfriends and I almost laugh out loud but bite my lip to stop myself. 

 My aunt had gone to the school when she was young and believes that I also need to go to the school. She claimed it was to get rid of me. I felt relief when I was being sent away from her. I however didn't want to go to the school that raised the heinous human being. 

She caught me reading my letter from Peter. She screamed at me and burned the letter with a lighter in front of my eyes. She claimed that it was improper for me to have a boyfriend at my age. She took away every writing utensil from me in the house. She put locks on my windows and all of the doors. I was confined to my room for majority of the time in her home unless I was forced to work on the large farm she and my uncle owned. 

It was terribly overgrown with weeds spreading for miles. I plucked the weeds getting sunburnt under the hot blazing sun. I was thankfully given the hose which I could drink from when I was dehydrated. I made plans in my head on how to escape. My aunt however haunted my thoughts and I grew nervous even thinking about getting out. I didn't have a place to run to. I didn't know the area or where a train station was nor did I have the money to execute the plan. 

I missed Peter and the only thing making me not fight her for going to the school was an access to sending letters. I would send as many letters to Peter as I could. I would tell him everything. I knew he would know what to do and how to help me. He would save me I had hope in him.  I was counting down the minutes till my 18th birthday so I could be free and find Peter. 

I fiddled with my locket at I sat on the bench waiting for the train. I feel someone sit by me. A boy around my age looks at me up and down and I cant help but roll my eyes. "Can I help you?" I ask and he speaks. "What's your name?" he asks and I look away from him. He looked like every other greasy teenage boy with long hair that was unwashed. He had a bit of acne on his forehead. His eyes lingered down to my skirt making me feel naked completely clothed. This was another thing I didn't miss about this world. The disgusting perverted men that would try to cope a feel when you were just walking down the street or plainly sitting on a bench waiting for the train. I wanted Peter or Edmund to punch him In the face. 

"Amelie" I say and then turn towards the train tracks once again really debating throwing myself onto them. "Your cute" he says and I look over at him. "Sorry I have a boyfriend" I say trying to get him to leave me alone. "I don't see one" the teenage boy says with a laugh. 

"I do leave me alone please" I say and the boy reaches over and touches my leg. I smack his hand away and the guy scoffs. "Who is this boyfriend then" he says and I roll my eyes once again. "His names Peter" I say and the boys eyes widen. "Does he go to Hendon House?" he asks and I answer. 

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