Aslans army

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It was warm

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It was warm. I let the sun shine onto my pale skin and my body was filled with warmth inside and outside. I looked and there were tents filling up a large field. It almost looked like a carnival except there weren't any people. There were only creatures that you hear about in the fairy tales. It made me think that maybe all of the fairy tales are true they just didn't happen back at home.

All of the creatures looked at us like we were the strange ones and they hadn't ever seen a human before. They trailed in a long line behind us watching us as we walked to the front of the camp. "Why are they all staring at us?" Susan mouths hoping none of them can read lips. "I don't know but it freaked me out when the grizzly bear smiled at me" I say which makes the three laugh. 

"Maybe they think you two look funny" Lucy says and Peter and Lucy laugh. We make our way to the front of the camp where a large red tent sits. I could feel in my gut that Aslan was in the tent and that all of our lives are about to change for better or for worse. A large centaur who looks to be second in command is standing in front of the tent. He was incredibly tall and musclier like he could lift a car with complete ease. 

Peter then raises his sword and says "We have come to see Aslan" The crowd erupts into murmurs. The centaur then looks to the big red tent and I turn and see that all of the crowd has begin to bow. I look at Peter and Susan in confusion. Why was this Aslan so powerful and worshiped by these people?

"Should we bow?" I whisper towards Susan and she shrugs her shoulders. "Just sit still" Peter says and I stay quiet. I then notice the tent open and a large lion steps out from it. It was incredible like I was looking at a powerful being and then I understood why he was worshipped he was the king. He radiated a powerful energy. He filled the air with hope and a sort of feeling that gave you confidence. 

I then bow and so does the other three siblings. "Welcome Peter, son of Adam, Welcome Susan, Amelie and Lucy daughters of Eve and welcome to you beavers you have my thanks but where is the fourth?" He says and I look up at him and into his deep eyes that were filled with kindness and history. 

Peter stands and so does the rest of us. "That's why we are here Sir, we need your help" The entire crowd then stands as Peter puts his sword back into his scabbard. "We had a little trouble along the way" Susan says and Peters speaks again. "Our brothers been captured by the white witch" he says and the crowd once again breaks into murmurs. 

"Captured, how could they happen?" Aslan asks and none of us answer nervous to tell Aslan how it happened. "He betrayed them, your majesty" Mr. Beaver says. I catch the centaurs gaze as he says "Then he has betrayed us all" I then grip my knives more securely willing to use them if I need to. 

"Peace, Oreius" Aslan says and I then start. "He was under her spell, he wouldn't have done it if he knew who she truly was" I say and Aslan nods his head. I get a look of approval and thanks from the Pevensie's glad I was sticking up for Edmund. 

"Exactly, I'm sure there is an explanation" Aslan says and we all look down. "Its my fault really, I was to hard on him" Peter says defeated and Susan puts her hand on Peter's shoulder. "We all were" she says and Lucy and I nod. "Sir he's our brother" Lucy quietly says. "I know, dear one but that only makes the betrayal all the worse this may be harder than you think" Aslan looks towards Lucy. 

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