AU explaination

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⚠️Suicidal thoughts
⚠️racism but between countries and humans
⚠️Gore and death, like, lots of it.

I'll say if I think of anything more.

This is not connected to the AU of my other book. The events that happened in that book did not happen in this one. Though headcannons are the same.

Countryhumans Headcannons:

*Australia is afraid of and avoids venomous (aggressive) animals but is like stereotypical Australia when it comes to other animals.
*countryhumans have slightly animalistic features according to their national animal. They develop these features somewhere in their early to middle teens. It is usually called a form.
*countryhumans either have sharp or normal teeth depending on their national animal. If their national animal actually has teeth that are sharp then they will have sharp teeth, exception being countries having parents with sharp teeth. (Totally not because I love the idea of Australia having sharp teeth.)
*countries have two ages:
Physical age is the age they use around humans, since they age a lot slower they need to keep an age score appropriate to human ageing to avoid confusion, therefore having country years. Canonical age is the age they are in human years.
*organisations age quicker but stop ageing the same age countryhumans do 35.
*gender does not affect countries in any way
*countries can genderbend
*Aboriginal and Australia are married
*Mexico and Confederate are married
*because countryhumans don't reproduce with other countries but somehow give birth, all parents are referred to as mom or grandmother because humans exist in this world and would be confused if the person that birthed them was called dad. (Though it is possible for countries to reproduce with others (e.g. Austria-Hungary & German empire(they won't appear in this book though... for... obvious... reasons...)
*when countryhumans get hurt they often crack. They refer to such and injury as being cracked.
For example:
"She cracked me!"
"They've all been cracked!"
much like the undertale dusting system.
*Countryhumans are as tall as the average height of their civilians. Or shorter.
*Countryhuman bodies are connected to the physical country so they emit the temperature the country does.
*As said countryhuman bodies are connected to the physical country so natural disasters (which will be referred to as ND in the book) will also. effect them physically:


*Makes a country puke up water
*makes country really cold often giving them a flu/cold


*the country will receive burn on random parts of the body
*they will feel VERY hot
*most of the time gives them a fever

Volcano eruptions:

**same as fires*


*bruises and wounds around the body
*hard time breathing


*causes body to crack into an almost critical condition (though no country has died by one tho)

France is not apart of the English family, she hates Uk though they do make amends.
Countries can reproduce on their own as countries.

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