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Australia's POV:

March 1942

Things had gotten from bad to worse, or maybe worse to horrendous.
Sitting in the muddy trenches just between Alice Springs and Tennant Creek, Australia fired at the war planes that were shooting up and bombing the area, other soldiers were up on a wall shooting from as high as they could. Japanese Empire had seemed to have left at Tennant Creek but came back after about a week. Queensland was out cold for about 2 days now.

After a good amount of time, the planes were either shot down or headed back to their homeland.

Australia went to Northern Territory and found her laying on her belly on the side of the trench. She was awake, but just staring into space. As usual, Central Australia was by her side, this time with a cityhuman on her shoulder. It was Tennant Creek, he wore a little hat and looked a bit like your stereotypical cowboy, except he wore a blindfold over his eyes. Tennant Creek was wounded on his head which was probably the reason he wasn't floating instead of sitting on Central Australia's shoulder.

"Tee, come on, are you dead?" Central Australia said as she floated in a circle around Northern Territory, Tennant Creek gripping on her shoulder for dear life, neither noticing the nearing Australian.

"If I were you wouldn't be floating around me right now." Central Australia seemed to be satisfied with the answer Northern Territory gave and stopped bothering her, probably because she was happy she responded at all.

"You guys good?" Australia asked, deciding it would be weird if they turned around and he was just standing there.

"Yeah, we're okay." Central Australia said as she poked Northern Territory on the side of her head, Northern Territory just groaned in response to the touch.

"She good though?" Australia said squatting down on the other side of Northern Territory.

"She just got bombed." Central Australia just blinked.

"Right. Let's go to our main house." Australia sighed as he picked up Northern Territory, one of the only ones of his kids that remained shorter then him.

"I'm in, howabout you Creeky?" Central Australia said putting the town in her hands.

"Guess I'm in." Tennant Creek shrugged as Central Australia smiled.

"Great! But you'd probably only eat slice?" Central Australia tilted her head, she never really payed attention to how much a city ate, since they were basically fairies without fairy wings, they were too small to eat a meal like a country or state.

"Bold of you to assume I can eat even a full pea." The mining town just snickered with a shrug.

"That actually makes a lotta sense..."

"C'mon yous." Australia said, Northern Territory on his back.


"Where's Wes'?" Australia asked the mob as he brought plates from the kitchen.

"He's probably sleeping in his room." FCT shrugged as he read some papers. "Also, put on your blindfold."

"Only if you put those papers back and not do any paperwork til' you finish eating." FTC shrugged and put his papers away then bringing Australia his blindfold. "Thanks C."

"All good, did you want me to get the Sandgroper?" FCT said as Australia put the blindfold on.

"Yeah sure, if you're not tired." Australia said as he tightened the blindfold and headed back to the kitchen the heat up the pots on the stove.

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