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Australia's POV:

January 1942

Australia felt starved. He was just from the siege of Tobruk after all. Although that wasn't the current problem. He was on a ship back to his homeland because Japanese Empire had made an early and unsuspected attack on the ports of Darwin. The news had shook the Australian when received. Now the real question was, was he really strong enough to defend Australia?

"Hey Abby..." Australia sighed through the necklace.

"Australia? What do you need?" Aboriginal was helping Northern Territory defend herself from the attacks that came ever so often. It could be speculated that Darwin had fallen to the Japanese.

"I'm just letting you know I'm close to home. I believe we will be there in a day or two."

"That's great! I can't wait to see you again guwiirra(sweetheart)"

Australia sighed as he deactivated the necklace with a flash of light. He really hoped Northern Territory was okay.


"Yeah?" Australia said as he turned to look at the Victorian.
Victoria said nothing and just laid down on Australia's lap.

"Really?" Australia said as he put a hand through the Victorian's hair, "Now I see why Aboriginal says you're like a bubbly dog."

"Woof." Victoria said as he curled into a ball letting his form out, possum ears and tails appeared.
"I'm boreeed can't we just teleport to daaad?" Victoria said as he rolled onto his back. Australia could really see the resemblance between him and a dog asking for a belly rub.

"Sure if you want to be a face rippee, our leaders would happily be the face ripper." Australia replied.

"Yeah, yeah fine I get it." Victoria sighed as he stretched. He looked like a dog begging for a belly rub, possum ears and tail making it worse. "But on a more serious note, FCT's(FCT is ACT, ACT was called Federal Capital Territory until 1938) worried about how we're going to survive this invasion. I mean, Papua is already getting hellfire, and we might end up giving troops to Singapore so..."

"I dunno Vicky. I really don't. But it doesn't hurt to be positive?" Australia forced a smile.

"Guess you're right." Victoria said with a sigh.

"You're not going to sleep like that are you?"

"That's not a question."

"Pfft, we should have named you Warragul." Australian said twirling the Victorians hair between his fingers.

"'Dingo'? You already use that as my nickname." Victoria said rolling onto the not so clean floor.

"Yeah, but you're just a cute bubbly dog." Australia smiled.

"Annihilate the word cute and I will refrain from disowning you."
Australia laughed at the quick reaction. Victoria hated being called cute or anything in that manner, he was probably just tolerating the word bubbly.

"Okay, okay, fine, 'just a bubbly dog'. Happy?" Australia giggled.
Victoria flipped Australia off and turned to his side facing away from the Australian. Oh well, Victoria barely holds grudges on such small things, "night Vicky."


Queensland's POV:

February 1942

"Fuck..." Queensland said as she watched the bombs fall on her harbour from afar. They were big and destructive. She felt some parts of her arms go hard and crack. It hurt.
Most of the troops had gone to the Northern Territory to fight of the invasion there, but maybe that was Japanese Empire's plan.

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