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June 1942

"Nobody's heard from Australia for a month or two." Washington DC informed as he held a letter that UK had sent him to beg him to help save her territory.

"Throw it in the bin." US said as he continued reading his other paperwork. The capital complied with his wishes and threw the letter in the bin. "You can go back to whatever you were doing before."
Washington DC left the room. When US was sure he left he picked up the letter from the trash and read it himself. Had GB even tried anything to prevent it?
As US read the letter he felt a bit angry, the letter showed more concern about GB having the territory then about Australia or the people of the dominion. US sighed and put the letter in his desk before looking back to the paperwork, but his mind couldn't help but wonder... how was Australia? Nobody has heard from him, or Oceania really, in a long time. Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia had fallen, Japanese Empire was wrecking havoc over east Asia, even getting to China, he was probably having an eye on the other Pacific Islands too.

USA just sighed and continued his paperwork.


Australia's POV

June 1942

Australia wasn't sure what he was going to do, just after he escaped Western Australia and Northern Territory were surrendered due to the 'Brisbane line' despite the fact it was said that it was only a draft and wouldn't happen.

"Mum what are we going to do?" Tasmania asked. Now there were only 6 of them left, all the external territories were surrendered, plus half of Queensland and South Australia. And the Japanese air raids were making rapid progress on Queensland.

"I don't know...." Australia finally sighed. He couldn't lie at this point. Even Torres Strait Islands was taken, which had Aboriginal torn, Aboriginal hadn't talked to anyone in a while.

"I miss the others..." Victoria sighed, his head rested on Australia's lap.

"I know Vic... I miss them too." Australia said as he ran his fingers through the Victorian's hair.

Australia just remained silent, there was nothing left to comfort the family. The only thing he could be grateful for was that he was out of the cell and that he was with what was left of his family.
What was he to do?


Western Australia's POV

June 1942

Western Australia tried struggling out of the Japanese Empire's grip as he was led through what looked like a prison hallway. His body hurt all over as a lot of force was used to take Western Australia. Kicking him, throwing him against walls, ect.
After a bit they reached a cell. Western realised there was some writing on the door, it was some Japanese characters with 'Australian' written underneath.
Japanese Empire opened the door and threw the Western Australian inside the cell. When the door opened Western Australia got crawled onto his knees.

"Feather!?" He heard multiple voices yell at once. That's really the last thing he heard. He opened his eyes but all he could see was blood on the stone floor, then nothing.


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