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Australia's POV

June 1942

Australia stood at the bared window, the only source of light in the cell, he let the sun's beautiful rays kiss his skin. He then thought about how it was back home. How were his kids? How were Aboriginal and Torres? Were they okay? For all Australia knew they could've been completely conquered by now and that shit.
Australia noticed the sun was blocked by something, was it a cloud?

"Hello." A female voice greeted him.
Australia didn't reply. Who was she? It wasn't the same voice of Chugoku. She sounded more grown.
"I'm not going to hurt you. I'm going to try help you get free." Australia felt a glimmer of hope in that, but how could he trust her?
"Jeez at least say something."

"Hehe... sorry..." Australia rasped.

"I almost thought you were mute for a second. Put out your hand." The lady said. Australia hesitantly did as she said. When he put out his hand he felt something be dropped into his hand. Was it a necklace? Was it his necklace?

Australia clipped it around his neck, and felt the pendant, it felt like the shape of Australia. She also threw something that sounded like some sort of clothing down into the cell. When Australia caught it he realised it was a cloak. After struggling for a bit putting it on, he got the thing on. The bottom of the cloak reached below Australia's knees, the sleeves went just a bit over Australia's fingers, it was a good cover.
"Thank you! What's your name?" Australia asked the woman on the other side of the wall.

"Japan. Daughter of Japanese Empire." Australia was confused.

"Why are you helping me..?" Australia asked with his hoarse voice.

"I'm not like my father. You can pick lock the door right? Here." She threw something into the cell and Australia felt the sunlight on his skin again. She was gone.

Australia went to where he heard the object she threw fall and felt around on the ground. After a bit he found a pin. Perfect for pick locking.
Australia went over to the door and fidgeted with the lock until it made a click sound. Australia pushed the door open and for the first time in a while, came out of his cell. He closed his door and started running. He opened the door to the outside, he ran to where he remembered the train station was. Australia followed the pathway that he memorised that led to the town. After a bit taking off his blindfold and turning into his human form.

When he finally reached the distance of the city he tried staying out of sight. He must've looked like a madman, covered in badly done, blood soaked bandages, covered in bruises, cuts and wounds, looking extremely dirty and extremely sickly. Australia wasn't even wearing shoes. He then realised that his feet were bleeding, but luckily his feet were numb.

He walked to where he remembered the train station was, since the signs were of no use to Australia, even if they were in English, since he was already partially blind so they were of no use to him.

He finally got inside the train station, maybe having pickpocketed someone for a few coins to get on the train. Putting back on his blindfold, he got onto the train to Tokyo.


Fiji's POV

June 1942

"Hey Kiri, is Zeaka here?" Fiji said as she walked into Kiribati's house.

"Yeah, I'm here." New Zealand sighed, being tied up with rope on Kiribati's couch. He was eating a biscuit a biscuit while he was strangely calm about being roped up on the couch.

"Why are you roped up?" Fiji asked as she came closer to the poor New Zealander.

"I refused food because I was busy." New Zealand shrugged after he swallowed the biscuit.

"Wow. You do not refuse an islander's food. How could you." Fiji said as she untied the man.

"I didn't say you could untie him! Oh well. What you're doing probably is important." Kiribati said as he sat on the couch, Gilbert Islands coming out of the room behind and sitting on a mat nearby, holding a photo.

"Bullah Gill." Fiji greeted.

"Hey Fi!" She greeted back with a smile.

"Sorry but we need to go, can you meet us later at 6pm?" Fiji said as she grabbed the chillin' New Zealander by the arm before pulling him off the couch, New Zealand groaning a bit before complying.

"Yeah sure." Kiribati shrugged as the two left.


Australia finally got to Tokyo, taking off his blindfold to avoid bumping into any humans. He could now just teleport himself home.... He can finally see his family again.
Australia leaned on a tree as he let the light from his necklace pendant engulf him as he saw the world change around him.
He was now home... for now at least. He started walking over to where he knew his house to be.

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