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Queensland's POV

She now stood on a battlefield next just in front of Brisbane, defending the city. If it fell, Queensland was Japanese Empire's. And it wasn't looking good for her.
Australia walked along a shore down on the east coast.

Queensland watched from the cliff overhead of Australia. Her mother, Australia, hadn't been the same since he was captured by JE and put in the North Borneo camp. He barely ate, he couldn't really sleep and when he did he was either muttering about the states and territories that had been captured or screaming abt JE. Probably nightmares. He also didn't talk much anymore. Not even to his kids. Even his physical appearance changed for the worst. He was skinny and had multiple bruises, scars and wounds. Although luckily they seemed to be healing. 

The remaining states agreed on watching over their mum and it was QLD's turn. Usually Abby, their father, would be the one watching over Australia But he was with Māori doing some shit so he was out.

Australia sat down on the sand and stared and the waters. QLD wished she could help her mum, but he seemed he didn't even want the help. He just seemed to be so distance and it's pretty much impossible to help someone who doesn't want help.

"Sup sis." Vic said walking up behind QLD. Queen didn't even have to turn around to know who it was.

"You're meant to be with home." Queen said not taking her eyes of the waters.

"Maybe! I'm just checking out how mum is doing!" Vic just said sitting down next to QLD.

"Yeah, I don't like you so go away."

"Fuck you."

"Sooo- you and Wildflower fought?" Queensland said not even looking at Vic.

"What- how-" Vic started.

"You and Tassie and literally all of us states are ALWAYS at each others throats. What do you think." Queen just rolled her eyes before actually taking her first look at Victoria.

"Okay fine. But how is mum doing-" Vic said clearly concerned. He always was mama's boy clinging to mum anyways.

"Honestly? Same as yesterday." Queen just bluntly said.



Western Australia's POV

Western Australia started to feel his body again. He must've fallen unconscious. West just felt concrete under his body and at his back. Whoever was in the cell before must've leaned him against the wall of the cell. He also felt a chain around his neck and a paper stuck to his head. Much like how when he was a colony he had the Union Jack stuck to his head. He could only assume it was the Japanese flag.

West opened his eyes a little bit to see what what was happening around him. The stone was covered in blood stains and same with the walls. It was pretty dirty overall. West moved his arm in front of face. It was covered in torn up bloody bandages. Those weren't there before though.

"Feather!" West knew he recognised the voice. He looked up and saw his little sister NT running up to him and hugging him. She was just 10. Not even a teenager. Which made West feel bad for her. She was just a child.

West hugged her back. Weren't there other people before? Eh. That wasn't really his concern right now. He sat down against the wall hugging NT.


I've been gone for a bit- and then only publish a short ass chapter? Yeah sorry- ^^

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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