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Tasmania's POV:

March 1942

"Victoria stop crying! You're going to be fine." Tasmania tried to calm his younger brother.

"I LITERALLY JUST PERMANENTLY LOST MY EYE!!! I'M NOT FINE!!!" Victoria cried into Tasmania's arms.

"It's probably not permanent. It might just take longer to regenerate? Also, shouldn't we be more worried about our siblings? Papua and New Guinea have been captured, along with their towns and some of our towns up-"

"I know! It's much easier to cry over my eye then to become depressed! I miss them- SCREW YOU TAS!" Victoria yelled as he pushed Tasmania into a near by wall. Tasmania almost forgot how much of an emotional wreck Victoria was. One second he's sad next he wants to tear anything and anyone near him.

"Okay I'll leave you then, good luck taking care of yourself~" Tasmania knew it was a cheap game. But it worked so it didn't matter to much. Victoria jumped into a hug to keep Tasmania from leaving him. Tasmania wasn't actually going to leave him, even if Victoria didn't do anything to stop him. Tasmania would probably just stay in the next room until Victoria got sad again and calmed down. Probably wasn't good for Victoria to be sad, but it was better then Victoria hurting someone. It hurt Victoria most anyways...  literally.

"Okay, sorry. I won't leave if you promise not to attack me." Tasmania proposed as he laid the Victorian down on the bed. Of course the proposal wouldn't work but it did lessen the chance of being impaled by the Victorian. Victoria curled into a ball as his body finally registered the overdue pain that shot through his body whenever he felt an intense negative emotion for some reason.

Why does it even happen to him?
Was it connected to the Eureka Stockade?
But it was already there before that, it just got worse like many other things.
But why?
He wasn't born with it, did it really just come from nowhere?

Tasmania sat on the chair at the desk near the Victorian's bed. It was a surprisingly calm night. Despite the German ships threatening their towns, nights managed to hold it's serene silence. It would be a nice and peaceful night to sleep, but Tasmania basically had to babysit Victoria until he regained mental stability. And rule number one of the care was don't fall asleep. Luckily, since Tasmania wasn't human, he didn't need as much sleep as a human would.

What were the Germans doing anyways? You're told here and there of an occasional raid but nothing more. The Germans seemed to just be doing a siege. Unluckily for them, Australia had farms and could sustain their own food. Water.
They'd taken Norfolk Island and more recently Christmas Island. It was really sad when the news got out. It had just broke Australia. First the twins then Norfolk and then Christmas Island? New South Wales had barely spoken to the other states since she heard her younger twin, Norfolk, was captured. But she seemed to be recovering from the wreckage. Tasmania was really going to miss Christmas Island's witty banter. Norfolk's calm nature and Papua and New Guinea's sibling squabbles with themselves and the others. He was going to miss the towns too.
But he knew they'd get them back.

Or be taken with them.

"E-eh? Uncle!?" Tasmania stared at the ghost in front of him. Since when could he read Tasmania's mind? Tasmania thought he could only read New Zealand's.

Oh gee, you're really stupid.

Since when was North Island so unkind?

Why don't you kill your brother? That would make it easier for everyone!

"WHAT!?" Tasmania was shocked by such  a question. It made Tasmania feel so angry. Why the fuck would he say that? Tasmania ran at the intruder.

"What the fuck-" Tasmania froze. It wasn't even North Island anymore.


Tasmania yelped as he felt a punch to his gut before he was apprehended. Tasmania couldn't recognise whoever apprehended him, but he knew he knew them.

"Did you even take your fucking meds?" Tasmania had medicine to take? The apprehender let him go but still held him by the wrists. Tasmania just blinked twice at the person.

"Wait- NSW!?" How did Tasmania take so long to recognise her?

"Just take your meds. I am not dealing with you today." New South Wales seemed stressed already.

"Why is a mentally deranged person taking care of a mentally deranged person anyways?" South Australia popped up from the door. She and Christmas Island inherited the most of Australia's witty humour, although all the states and territories did, they had it on a different level.

"Eh. He's okay when  he's taken his meds." New South Wales said as she looked behind her to the nearing South Australian.

"Ya mean the meds he remembers to take once a red moon?" South Australia said raising her eyebrow.

"He forgets to take his more then I forget to take mine! That's truly impressive." Victoria seemed to be back to normal, just twitching here and there. Tasmania still couldn't remember what New South Wales was talking about though.

"Hey guys?" Australia popped in Tasmania and Victoria's shared room.

"Mom. Tasmania and Victoria both forgot their meds and Victoria probably tried killing Tasmania and Tasmania tried hurting, or killing me." New South Wales said in a rather dead tone. She did not wanna be there.

"What brought your emo ass out of your room?" Australia had a slight smirk on his face.

"I could literally ask you the same question." New South Wales still snickered though.

"I know. South can you please get their meds." Australia grinned, although it was obvious he was stressed and worn out, but nobody addressed it. Victoria and Northern Territory tried at one point, but got nowhere. One thing the whole family inherited was inability to deal with their own emotions. Who's fault was that? Easily UK's, England's and Commonwealth's. Although they might be changing, the damage had already been done.

"So... it wasn't North Island that said all that?" New South Wales and Australia gave Tasmania matching puzzled looks.

"Uhh... can you tell us what he said?" Australia asked.

Tasmania told the two what he saw. And god. Their faces was everything.

"Christ your hallucinations are weird." New South Wales blinked at the retell.

"Hallucination?" Tasmania didn't have those. Did he?
Tasmania and Victoria eventually had their meds. Although New South Wales held Tasmania on the wall while Victoria got to hug Australia until they got their meds and it kicked in. Unfair, ain't it?
When the Tasmanian had his medications(bro, just thinking the full word sounds weird- like McDonald's- gah-) he remembered about his hallucinations and the fact he needs medications. Maybe he should put an alarm or something... he'll do it later.
Even though Tasmania knew it was a hallucination, it felt so real. Why did hallucinations do that to him? It was driving Tasmania insane.

"Anyways I was just checking on you because I heard screaming." Australia said as he fidgeted with his orangey-brown bandana scarf.

"I was screaming?" Tasmania blushed.

"Nah, Yeah. You were literally screaming at me even though you tried to attack me!" Tasmania looked at Victoria to confirm because Tasmania literally did not remember screaming. Victoria and South Australia were both dying of laughter over a glass of wine(I kid you not when I typed this I said wine of glass. What💀?).
Yep. He actually was screaming. Tasmania let his hair cover his face out of embarrassment. They were not gonna get off his ass after this.

"You guys are fucking jackasses." Tasmania said as he got on his bed on the other side of the room.

"You're still taking care of Vic cuntsack." New South Wales said.

"Aww c'mon, get off his ass will ya?" Australia said with a smile.


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