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Australia opened his eyes, undergoing a godawful hangover, to an annoyed British women and a unbothered Australian man.

"Uhhh, morning?" Australia wasn't sure what to say that wouldn't make UK more annoyed.

"Why the bloody hell would you drink in a war?" The British woman said as she face palmed, holding out a hand to pull her child up.

"You know I was worse in the first war." Australia smirked, "don't promise any better this year."

"You're unbelievable."

"Are you going to shoot us again?" Victoria laughed from his bed as he looked at some paper. He'd not entirely forgiven his grandmother for the stockade, and would begrudgingly bring it back up from time to time.

"That's pretty low. Even for you." UK never entirely liked Victoria, but would still, to a certain extent, treat him like a grandchild. Must be because he has the name of one of her queens. She was annoyed he doesn't live to the name.

"I could go lower to reach your height." He sneered, looking away as he murmured the response.

"Watch your mouth kid." UK snarled.
I looked to Victoria, asking him to stop through my eyes, to which he understood and retreated back to his normal demeanour. That demeanour being him just being silent until talked to and staying almost unnoticeable in the corner. At least that was his demeanour when UK was around. He was a pretty rowdy guy.

"The battle will begin in 2 hours. Despite expecting better from you, I came to you early just in case." UK left the tent and headed of the whatever business she was doing.

"Did you drink more then one bottle or is it the other reason?" The older Australian said to the state clenching his head with his arm.

"No, other reason." Victoria had a guilt ridden look either way but he wasn't lying.

"Okay so you did both but your disorder is the reason." Australia said raising an eyebrow.

"Fine yes. Problem now is I forgot my meds." Victoria sighed curling in a ball.

"I'd be mad about the alcohol if you weren't already gonna pay physically." Australia sighed as he held his child.

"You look like shit. Hangover?" Victoria smirked, though clearly still being in pain.

"I drank until I blacked out. Not a question." Australia said giving the small state a little nudge.

"Is that how you lost your virginity?" Victoria snickered.

"You know damn well that isn't how Abri and I had the twins and CA." Victoria just snickered and looked away.

"Yeah, I know. It would be funny if you did though. Then all of your dignity would be down the drain." Victoria grinned smugly despite still being in obvious pain.

"This is exactly why UK hates you." Australia sighed. He didn't actually loose his virginity to Aboriginal, but his states don't need to know how.


"And that's where I draw the line. No self hate here." Australia said hugging Victoria tighter, exactly how he knows he hates it.

"Oh c'mon! Don't be a hypocrite here! Let go!" The state wailed pushing away Australia's face, that was threatening to give smooches, with his hand.

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