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Northern Territory's POV:

7th December 1941

"Oh shit." Northern Territory said as she stared at the airplanes coming towards the harbour. They looked as little dots from her stance, but it was definitely war planes. She touched her head where the source of the pain was, due to the fact there was a very large crack across it. Imperial Japan was a traitor. Someone who served as a parent raids the country they parented.
Northern Territory searched the rocky beach knowing nobody would be swimming in the croc infested waters. It was empty.

As the red ochre country walked down to the stairs to evacuate people around the area she noticed something moving next to the staircase. Two kids, an older girl and a younger boy.

"Where are your parents?" Northern Territory asked as she neared them.

"Mom had gone to the bread shop and father is at the watch tower." The little boy cried.

"It's not safe here. I'll take you to your mother." The kids looked at Northern Territory weird, probably because of the flag and hair. Oh, and the fact that she's wearing male clothing as a female, silly her.

"How do you know where she is?"

"Your brother just told me."

"No I mean, how would you know she's still there?"

"Or would you like me to take you home?" Northern Territory asked pulling the kids to their feet.


As the three walked a loud boom was heard in the harbour. Northern Territory cursed herself for not being in the more populated part of the beach. There were loud screams of people trying to escape the place and many screams stopped abruptly or waned out.

"What's happening?" The little boy cried, the girl was silent. She knew exactly what was happening.

"You can ask you mother when we get you to her. What is her name?" Northern Territory said picking up her pace while picking up the younger boy.

"Elizabeth Johnson." The little girl informed. Northern Territory thanked her and touched her necklace. She saw a woman running to the harbour.

"How about I show you a magic trick?" Northern Territory smiled.


"Okay, hold on tight!" And in a flash of light they disappeared. Reappearing down the street from where the lady would come.

"Woah! Do it again!" The boy yelled.

"Sorry, I think someone's looking for you."

"Children!" The mother cried running up to them. She snatched her little boy out of Northern Territory's arms, cradling him in her arms.

"You shouldn't leave kids as young as 'em wondering croc infested shores, ma'am. Let alone on a possible invasion." Elizabeth looked down in slight shame when Northern Territory told her.

"I know, but they were with friends and the mother of them promised to take care of them." Northern Territory was a bit surprised the woman responded. Country, state or whatever else-humans were very low on the social scale. There were very disrespected and even if someone showed respect, they'd be the laughing stock of their town and possibly the whole state.

"I haven't seen anyone besides them on the side of the beach where I found them."

"Bloody strewth! Wait... I do inquire of you. What part of the beach found you these kids?" The girl looked a little nervous.

"East on the more isolated areas, ma'am." The children both froze and looked slowly to their mother. She kept the smile on her face but the passive aggression was almost physical. "It's not safe here. You should go."

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