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Australia's POV:

May 1942

Australia sat in a dark cell. Although there were chains in the room, he was left unchained.
Australia wore a blindfold because his eyes were permanently injured back in WW1, but he usually wouldn't wear the blindfold because he hated when people asked why he'd wear it. But now since nobody who'd care enough to ask was around he had no reason to not wear the blindfold.
He was glad he couldn't see though. He didn't want to see himself. He was covered in bruises from head to toe, he just wanted take himself out.

Australia stood up and faced towards the small barred window in the cell. He hadn't looked outside it in a while, mostly because he literally couldn't. Australia walked towards the barred window and touched the bars, feeling the sunlight on his skin. It didn't bring any joy to Australia, it just crushed his hopes... he wished he could be back with his kids... he wished he could be outside in the suns golden beams again... but now he was captured so he couldn't do anything...

Australia sighed as he heard footsteps down the hallway. Australia assumed it was Japanese Empire, except the footsteps sounded weird. Australia sat back in the middle of the cell, waiting to be hit, yelled at or given something. Australia, personally, was hoping it was food.

Australia heard the door open, and was filled with fear but restrained from moving, having learnt the hard way that showing his fear made it worse.

"Who are you?" The voice of a little girl asked.

Australia was confused, Australia faced the direction of the girl. He wasn't able to see the girl but even if he could, it probably wouldn't make it any less confusing.
Australia said nothing.

"Not much of a talker huh?" The girl said, "Well my name is Chugoku! What's yours?"

Australia could barely understand a word she said. But Australia could get the main point at least.
"... Australia..." He rasped. The Australian hadn't talked in a while.

"Well nice to meet you Australia! You must be that war prisoner from Singapore!" The girl walked closer to the Australian. Australia didn't know why but he just ran. Why was he so scared? It was just a child.

Australia ran out of the cell, but he ran into something as soon as he turned. Australia fell to the ground on his ass. Whoever he ran into picked him up by the neck, choking the Australian.

"What are you doing scurrying outside your cell, little rat?" Japanese Empire said as he continued holding the poor Australian up by the neck.
After a bit the empire threw Australia to the ground, Australia hitting his head, then dragged the Australian back to the cell. Australia noticed that Chugoku was hiding in a corner outside the cell as Japanese Empire threw the Australian back inside, and than she ran outside the prison area as soon as Japanese Empire had his head turned.

Australia just laid on the ground like a rag doll when he hit the cell floor again. His whole body was in excruciating pain. He didn't speak a word.

"How did you escape." Japanese Empire growled pinning the Australian to the wall. When Australia didn't reply for a while Japanese Empire continued, "Speak before I make you."

"L- little girl unlocked door..." the Australian rasped to the Japanese Empire as the empire added pressure to Australia's body.

"I see." Japanese Empire said as he dropped the Australian, letting him fall to the ground before kneeling on a knee to get to Australia's height. "Now. I came here to tell you some news."

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