Chapter 2

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Marcy's POV

Walking through the woods really brought back a wave of nostalgia. It's been a while since we've set foot on Amphibian land. I honestly would've never suspected this. It brings back memories of when Grime and I would go searching for danger on purpose or when we lived in the woods for a while. Yet, I couldn't help but have a nagging feeling that something wasn't right. Something seemed... off. Since I've gotten better at reading people, mainly because of the betrayals we've faced during our time here years ago, I looked over at Anne to see she looked as nostalgic as me. Alright, that's not abnormal. I'm not very shocked after we've been gone for so long. I wasn't able to tell if she had any personal specific goals either. I then turned my attention towards the skipping Marcy. She just seemed like normal Marcy, bubbly and clumsy as usual.

Until I noticed something.

I realized she looked abnormally after a few seconds, and not her physical appearance. She wasn't stumbling or looking down to make sure she wouldn't trip on a stick or something along those lines. She also seemed stiffer while walking. Normally, she's bouncy with every step, so much so that she falls easier than the average person. However, she seemed to be paying attention to things on the ground for once. Marcy was doing what nobody had ever witnessed before - stepping over things in her way. Grabbing Anne's shoulder, I whispered, "Don't you think Marcy's acting a bit... weird? As in weirder than she usually does?" I then watched as Anne glanced at Marcy for a few seconds. Her brows furrowing, she replied, "Yeah... you're right... do you think she just matured or that something's wrong?" I shrugged in response. "I'm hoping she'll tell us herself... let's wait a bit and see if she says anything about why?" I offered, Anne nodding in agreement before we continue to walk in the now slightly uncomfortable silence.

As the long walk finally ended, I noticed Marcy heading right for the Plantars' house as she stated, "FOUND FAMILY TROPE REUNITES!" Chuckling a bit, I try to push down my still lingering sense of unease. I'm sure Marcy's alright, there's no way that she wouldn't tell Anne or I about something serious.

Some sappy shit happened with Anne and the Plantars, but I honestly wasn't paying much attention. I may or may not have been scanning the premises for Grime - if Anne was right, he had to be here somewhere. Leaving Marcy and Anne, I go to search around the town for him. "Grimsey, get your big annoying ass out here before I leave again!" I shouted into the basically empty town streets. Damn, this place is much more run-down than I thought.

"Sasha??" I whipped around at the sound of Grime's voice. I had to stop myself from tearing up just so i could quote myself, "Hey girlfrieenddd! Boy-friend?- Whatever either way- I'm back!!" Grime just stood there for a few seconds and for a minute I thought I killed him or something. "SASHA!" he suddenly took me down in a big bear- toad?- hug. Snickering slightly, I hugged him back. "Jeez, it's only been, what, 10 years? Am I that amazing?" I asked, trying to screw with him. "Oh shut up lutenant-" he backed off, "You should be glad I haven't died of old age." I playfully punched his shoulder, "Don't worry, I missed you too, ya lug."

I talked with Grime for a while longer, then went back to the town square where I saw Marcy with Olivia and Yunan and Anne chatting with Sprig. Running up to them, I yell, "HEY GIRLFRIENDSSSSSSS," purposely elongated. Snickering, Anne came up to me, saying, "Hey, Waybright. Figured you had dropped that a while ago." Shrugging, I responded, "May as well bring it back for the adventure, right?"

I looked over to Marcy who was seemingly talking to Yunan about something. Raising a brow, I tried to read lips or listen in, but I'm not good at. However, Olivia walked up and seemed to be getting filled in. Something they said must've worried Marcy because she looked really uncomfortable about whatever it was. Then, a few moments later, she started walking up to Anne and I.

"Girls, we need to talk."
A/n - sorry about the shorter chapter. I usually try to make them longer but i didnt have any plot ideas for this specifically besides the reunion. With that aside, I'm already working on chapter 3.
I hope you all understand and have a good day/night!

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