Chapter Eight

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3rd Person POV

Darcy gets up from the ground. "Good one, Aldrich. Now we just need to-" Alexander was cut off by Aldrich himself, "What we need to do is what Marcy would not. We need to cause chaos and cause people to begin to dislike her."

There was hardly a moment's pause before voices began to overlap one another, arguing about whether or not this was the right choice of action. Of course, this wasn't out loud; it was all happening in Darcy's head. Getting annoyed, Aldrich sighed, then yelled, "SILENCE. I have already chosen this to be what we will do. No arguing about this. Understood?" Assuming the silence meant yes, Aldrich proceeded to walk Marcy back to the Plantar household.

As they entered, they were planning on writing a note that they would be leaving for Newtopia to fact-check something. It would be the most simple thing to do while not waking anyone up. They could get to Newtopia by morning and open the gate. According to Marcy's memories, the barbariants should be in front of the gate this time of year.

Darcy was planning on causing a ruckus in the city by allowing the ants into the city. They were then going to further the destruction by grabbing some of the powerful weapons to blow up some of the castle walls as well as some of the food carts. Hopefully, they would be able to do this in time before Marcy was able to take back her body.

They went back down to the basement with Anne and Sasha and opened Marcy's bag. They were pleased to see that their host had brought their old journal as well as a new one since the pages were getting low. Grabbing the new journal, they opened it and ripped out a page. They then grabbed a pen and began to write.
Dear Anne and Sasha,
I've left for Newtopia because there is one thing I want to check about Darcy. You see, I remember being held in a basement-like area. This is also where I was first possessed. Maybe there's some information about the Core in the area. I left because I just couldn't wait.
Yo girl,
Marcy Wu
They smiled down at their work, glad with the lack of mistakes. To make it even more believable, they added a little doodle of Marcy giving a thumbs up. They then set the paper down on the little counter by the bed, putting the pen back where they found it.

They were then on their way.

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