Chapter Five

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Anne's POV

Meeting with Andrias went surprisingly better than I expected. He didn't seem like a total asshole anymore and genuenly sorry for what he did.

Good for him.

We're heading back to Wartwood now, the ride being calm for once. On the way there, it was tense as hell. Marcy didn't seem to notice, or maybe she was too busy in her own thoughts with The Core, but either way, it felt tense to me. I'm pretty sure for Sasha too. Mainly because I could tell she was tense. That's usually not a good sign.

Anyway, we were conversating about ideas on how to get rid of The Core once and for all.

"Is there a way to kill them while they're still in your mind?" Sasha asked. Looking over to Marcy, she seemed to pause. Again, I could tell she was talking to them because her face scrunched up. I don't like it when she does that, she's usually so cheerful. "Uh- they said the only way to get rid of them- was if- I were to die, too-" she nervously said.

"Hell no," Sasha bluntly stated. I would've snickered if I hadn't been so shocked. Marcy has to die to get rid of them forever? No way in Hell that's happening. "Could we contact 3SD? They might have answers," I suggest. Sasha scoffed, "Yeah, because it's that easy to contact a literal god, Anne." I smile nervously, "So I may or may not be able to just take a nap and contact them? Don't question it too much, I frankly don't have any normal explanation."

I looked over at Marcy to see her practically bouncing where she stands. "YOU CAN CONTACT A GOD?" Sasha asked. She seemed baffled. Marcy added, "THAT. IS SO. COOL!!" I snicker lightly, "Yeah, I'll explain on the way back to Wartwood. For now, I have a god to talk to."

I then proceded to lie on the ground for a good 5 minutes without being able to sleep.

What? You can't blame me, it was literal dirt! I hadn't slept on hard floor since my first week stuck here when I first opened the box.

"Okay don't be mad but I don't think I can fall asleep like this- we should probably go back to the Plantars' first," I informed them. Marcy said, "Got it!" and whistles, Jow Sparrow appearing out of nowhere. We all boarded the bird and got comfortable while Joe began to fly us back to Wartwood. I got comfortable to try to fall asleep while flying. It was probably going to be a while until we return anyways. I felt myself start to lean on someone's shoulder. I'm guessing it was Marcy's because Sasha was on the right, Marcy in the middle, and me on the left. However, there is a chance Sasha and Marcy switched because of flight shifts and things we've worked out.

Anyway. I did end up falling asleep; the shoulder I had fell on was comfortable and (even though I was in a wooden seat) was able to sleep because of this. When I "woke," I was laying down in the familiar grass and when I looked to the side I saw a familiar house. It worked.

Getting up, I walk over to the house, walking in. "3SD? You in here?" I yelled out. "What do you need, Anne? I understand you're on a mission in Amphibia but usually there's no time to come to my realm," they replied. "Well- I have a few questions about some things to see if you know about The Core," I looked towards them hopefully as they sighed. "I'll see what I can do. What's your question?" they asked.

"Well- long story short, the Core is back and they said the only way we can get rid of them is to get rid of Marcy too. I don't really believe that because of their tendency to lie and deceive so I was wondering if you knew any other way to get rid of them?" I asked hopefully. If they can't find another way, Marcy might have to find a way to make accommodations to how she lives because I'm not letting her die.

"Apologies, Anne," they began, "I have no knowledge of how to get rid of them. You see, they bypassed dying, found a way to stay alive. Nothing much can really defeat something that powerful. And, now since they're in someones thoughts, or mindscape, it's likely that this is an instance where they're not lying." I could feel the color draining from my face. Marcy would have to deal with this or else she'd be gone. I can't believe this. "...okay. Thanks for telling me," I replied after a moment's hesitation. They nodded slightly, "I really feel bad for you three. Now, you're about to land with your friends. You may need to wake up." I furrowed my eyebrows; it's already been that long? I felt the world swirl around me as I began to wake up.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I looked over to see Marcy still driving (flying?) and Sasha sleeping next to her, snoring slightly. Marcy looked tired and maybe a bit annoyed. "Mars??" I sit off of her shoulder and look at her. She looked over at me, "Morning, Anne. Well- afternoon I guess."
"You tired? I could take over if you need me to," I offered. "No. Well- yes but not like a sleepy way. Darcy's bothering me again," she replied with an annoyed sigh. I raise a brow, "Darcy? Are we going to be calling them that then?" Marcy nodded, "It's easier than saying The Core every time. Plus, it's a reference you probably wouldn't get." I nod slightly, "Fair."

Then there was silence. That terrible, awkward silence. I guess it wasn't completely silent because of Marcy's grumbles every so often which I can only guess are her reactions to Darcy. Then, it seemed as if she broke, as if Darcy hit a sensitive point. Marcy had roughly gone in for a landing in the wrong spot. We got stuck in the middle of a forest. "Give me a minute," Marcy walked off until I couldn't see her anymore, and even then I heard her screaming. It was somewhat faint, but still audible. At least, audible enough to wake up Sasha.

Sasha fell off of the seat and sat up, "Danger! Where?" I would've laughed if Marcy hadn't started coming back at that moment, saying, "Sorry if I woke you Sash. They were just bothering us- me- and I couldn't stand it and I had to go scream like that before I would just start-" Marcy made a small choking motion towards herself with her hands and, a moment later, shouted, "OH SHUT UP." I furrowed my eyebrows. "Are they really that bothersome?" Sasha asked. Marcy nodded, "We can't go five seconds without hearing them talk to us and it pisses me off!" I chose to ignore her slip-ups for now; I'll ask her later when we're back at Wartwood.

"I think you should take a break from flying," Sasha suggested. I agreed, "Yeah, Sasha or I could take over for a bit. I'm not sure if its very smart to fly when they're bothering you that much, dude." Marcy nodded, "Yeah- yeah, okay." She then got onto the saddle of Joe, sitting where Sasha previously was. "I'll fly. I don't think Boonchuy here has enough experience with birds," Sasha snickered. I scoffed, "Yeah, right. I've driven Bessie so much so that I've gotten perfect with the technique to get her to move, even when she doesn't want to. At least- years ago I did. I doubt you've ever driven much on animals like this. I've got this."

"Why doesn't Anne start and Sasha finish? Anne flies half of the time there and Sasha the other half. There. Problem solved," Marcy suggested with a bit of aggravation. I nod, "Fair." I then got onto Joe and grabbed hold of the reigns. Sasha (playfully) scoffed before joining me on Joe and sitting next to me. I then proceeded to fly Joe into the air and skillfully dodge all trees and make it into the sky safely (and by that I mean I ran into the first tree in front of me and proceeded to fly through many leaves to get above the trees). However, after this, I have to admit that I did better than I expected. Now to just wait until we get home and I can do my best to help Marcy with Darcy.

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