4 - Friends...Right?

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I pulled into the driveway of his rental house. He called me earlier that day asking if I wanted a Chinese food and movie night. I was not opposed, especially since that was most likely my night.

I walked up and knocked on the door and Chris quickly opened it in a pair of jeans and t-shirt which is exactly what I was wearing. I smiled as he moved to the side and let me in.

"Hey, welcome to the rental." Chris said and we laughed as I noticed it was very minimal.

"Hey, it's better than a hotel." I said and Chris nodded.

"Yes especially for months on end. I can't do that." Chris said and I nodded. There was another knock on the door just as we walked into the kitchen. "That would be the food. Do you want to shock the delivery driver or have me do it?" Chris asked and I laughed knowing he meant because being a celebrity.

"You can do it. I will get us beers." I said getting in his fridge and he nodded. He walked to the door and grabbed the food. Once we met in the living room he was laughing.

"What?" I asked.

"You should have seen the guys face dropping off the food. I think he wanted to say something but was too nervous." Chris said and I laughed as we sat down and he handed me a container with what I ordered.

"Well I mean you are Captain America." I said he rolled his eyes at me. I smiled at him as we got comfortable on the couch and he started looking through movies.

"So what are you in the mood for?" Chris asked.

"Suspense. I've heard Hush is really good." I said and Chris nodded.

"Me too. Scott watched it the other day and told me to check it out." Chris said and I smiled as he turned it on. As we sat and at I jumped at certain parts and I found myself clinging to Chris's side. He chucked as I buried my face in his upper arm at one point in time.

"You okay?" Chris asked and I looked up at him and noticed how close our faces were. I moved back and he smiled at me.

We finished the movie in silence. I had finished eating so I linked my arm in his and was still hiding my face in his arm if I got scared. Once the movie was over he smiled and started playing another movie, a happier movie. I left my arm linked in his as we watched the other movie, leaning my head on his arm which he didn't seem to mind.

"Sorry, you're my pillow." I said and he chuckled.

"I don't mind Kins." Chris said and I smiled up at him and then went back to the movie. I then smiled and pulled out my phone.

"I have to do something...smile." I said and Chris leaned his head over close to mine and smiled. I took a picture and then sent it to Scott.

KINS: I have a new movie watching buddy that I cuddle with.

I sent off with the picture. Chris read what I wrote and laughed.

"Oh he is going to go crazy seeing that." Chris said and I smiled.

We were silent for a few more minutes and then I gasped scaring Chris.

"I forgot to tell you!" I said and he placed a hand over his chest.

"God you scared the crap out of me." Chris said and I laughed.

"Sorry but remember the photo collage idea?" I asked and Chris nodded.

"Terry and the record label accepted it. Said it showed the raw me like some of the song are also doing." I said. Chris smiled and hugged me, I smiled in his embrace.

"That's amazing Kins." Chris said and we broke apart.

"Also..." I said and showed him the next text of Terry sending me all my info about going to the Avengers premiere.

"Yeah I got the same info when it was agreed you go but I think Terry and Megan got the wrong idea..." Chris said and I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked and he sighed.

"I think, they think, we are going to be announcing something. I think they are thinking we are going as a couple." Chris said and I sighed.

"Oh right, we didn't even think about how it's going to look..." I trailed off and he shook his head slightly.

"I mean I don't care what people are going to think honestly. I mean we are going as friends...right?" Chris asked.

There it was the dreaded friend zone, the one thing I was scared of.

"Right...friends...exactly. I hate this industry sometimes. Trying to make something out of nothing." I said and Chris nodded.

I put my phone away and we went back to watching the movie. I didn't go back to having my arm linked in his or even sitting right next to him like I had been. I moved over a little and just went back to watching the movie.

When the movie was over and I groaned.

"Okay well I need to get home and get some sleep. I have music executives coming in tomorrow to hear some of the new stuff." I said and Chris sighed.

"You going to be okay?" Chris asked and I chuckled as we walked to the door.

"To get home? Yeah. Tomorrow? I'll let you know." I said and he laughed. He leaned in and hugged me kissing my cheek.

"Well text me if you need me tomorrow." Chris said and I gave a small laugh.

"Thanks Chris, good night." I said and walked to my car.

Fucking friend zone.

Once I got home my cellphone was ringing.


"You and my brother huh?" Scott asked and I groaned.

"We are just friends Scott. We watched 2 movies together and had dinner." I said and Scott sighed.

"And you are joining us for the premiere." Scott said.

"Yeah I don't know about it anymore. Things have gotten slightly complicated in my own brain and I don't want to do that to myself or Chris." I said and Scott groaned.

"You think they will think you are together." Scott said.

"Yeah so I'm going to think about it okay. I just don't want anything to happen." I said.

"Alright well just so you are aware...Chris is a big boy and knows what he is getting himself into." Scott said and we both gave a small laugh.

"Alright well, I'll think about it. I'm getting off of here. It's executive day tomorrow." I said and Scott groaned.

"You need me to talk you down, just call me." Scott said and I laughed.

"Sounds good. Good night." I said and we hung up.

I got ready for bed. Once I got into bed I just laid there staring at the ceiling. Was going to the premiere a smart choice?

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