23 - Our Terms

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It was a few days later and I was backstage at the next tour stop and I was looking to start getting ready. I grabbed the newer black, edgy Kins outfit and sighed.

"Do you like edgy Kins?" I asked Chris was who sitting on the couch in the dressing room.

"What?" Chris asked.

"Do you like edgy Kins, black outfits, red lipstick, dark eye makeup...the whole image?" I asked.

"Honestly?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, of course." I said. Chris walked over to me, grabbed a hand of mine and pulled me back over to the couch with him and pulled me to straddle his lap and I smiled. He linked his fingers behind my back as mine went around his neck and linked there.

"Don't get me wrong I miss old Kins but new edgy Kins is sexy as hell. The outfits, the makeup, the hair all of it. You look sexy. I mean I knew we were fighting when I saw you in Boston but you did things to me in those outfits..." Chris said and I smiled down at him I leaned in to give him a passionate kiss. As the kiss started to get deeper there was a knock on the door. I groaned.

"Yeah?" I called out.

"10 minutes until showtime. You ready?" I heard Connie ask and I sighed.

"Almost." I said looked down and Chris and smiled. He just shook his head as I got off his lap.

"Seriously Kins, get ready." Connie said and I groaned.

"I am!" I was walking over and grabbed the first outfit and went into the small area I set up to change. I walked out from getting dressed and walked over to Chris.

"Zip me up." I said and he smiled and zipped up the back of the outfit. I put on the knee-high boots and did my make up. Chris watched me the whole time and then smiled when I was done.

"What?" I asked as we walked hand in hand to the stage lift. I had a tech behind me hooking up my earpiece pack.

"Just you're amazing. I never knew how much went into you getting ready?" Chris asked and I smiled.

"Yeah being a singer much harder than being an actor." I said and Chris nodded. He leaned in and gave me a passionate kiss.

"You going to sit in the box?" I asked and he nodded.

"Yeah, see you after the show?" Chris asked and I nodded. I got on the lift and then I waved to everyone backstage as I started to lift up. The music was playing and it was like every show. Yell the city name and then break into song.

🎶 🎶 🎶

I walked back to the dressing room after the show and Terry was waiting for me which wasn't who I expected.

"Where's Chris?" I asked.

"Already on the bus." Terry said.

"Why?" I asked and he sighed.

"If you would have just let me announce it..." Terry said showing me his phone with tons of pictures of Chris at the concert and some videos, all with the same captions.

Chris Evans at Kinsley's concert tonight!

Chris Evans seems to really be into the concert.

Not the first concert he has been spotted at.

Something going on between Chris and Kinsley?

"Okay, I guess I don't see why you are freaking out? This is what Chris and I wanted. People to figure it out on their own. We discussed it." I said and Terry looked at me shocked.

"You discussed it?! When?!"

"We don't just fuck whenever we see each other Terry! We do talk and have adult conversations. We decided to let people notice and if they didn't then when the tour was over we would make our own announcement." I said and Terry sighed.

"You have to let me in on this stuff Kinsley." Terry said and I shook my head.

"No, I don't. I want this part of my life to be up to me. Not up to my manager and everyone else to decide when the time is right." I said and went to change. I quickly changed into some leggings and a t-shirt. I then left the dressing room with security in front of me and behind me to fight through the small crowd of fans. I stopped and signed some autographs. I was aware of the questions being asked.

"Are you and Chris Evans a couple?"

"Is Chris still here?"

"Did you know Chris was here?"

Once I was finished I hurried on to the bus but refused to let Terry on.

"Sleep on the band bus." I said and he groaned but didn't cause a scene and just went to the other bus. I saw Chris once I got on sitting at the table on a facetime call.

"Hey sorry, I had a talk with Terry." I said and Chris smiled as I walked up and kissed him. I then saw Lisa on the phone.

"Hey!" I said excitedly.

"So good to see you sweetie. So good to see you two back together." Lisa said and I smiled.

"Well I figured I would give him one more chance." I said and she smiled.

"Good, you two need each other." Lisa said.

"Don't you mean deserve each other?" Chris asked.

"I said what I said." Lisa said and we laughed. I then looked at Chris.

"I'm going to wash the make up off and then we need to talk." I said and he nodded. I walked into the bathroom and started cleaning off all the make-up and sweat. Once I walked out of the bathroom Chris was off the phone and looked at me and smiled.

"There's my girlfriend." Chris said and I laughed as I walked over and he pulled me into his lap. I grabbed my tablet and pulled up social media and showed Chris what Terry showed me.

"Terry got angry not knowing we discussed this. He was freaking out which is why he ushered you to the bus tonight." I said and Chris sighed and then kissed my cheek.

"Well as long as you don't care..."

"Nope, I want everyone to know. I hate to say this, you showing up at the shows might not be enough. We may have to pack on the PDA sometime soon." I said and Chris smiled.

"I think you might be right. We will work on this. I like our terms." Chris said and I nodded. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his went around my waist and we just held each other letting the hum of the tires on the road sooth us.

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