Chapter 34

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A/N: I know, I know...I haven't been updating:(
I don't even have an excuse, y'all. Just enjoy this update.

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Dead bodies were lying in his office, and that was the last thing on Leandro's mind. The only thing on his mind was how she would react to this, how she would look at him, and what kind of names she would call him. He was afraid she would see him as the monster he truly is, the monster his father turned him into.

His brows furrowed, his fists clenched, and he was confused. A ruthless Italian mafia leader, boss, infamous killer, hero to the citizens of Italy who were oblivious to his criminal activities. That is who he was. That is who he was taught to be, what he spent years on perfecting.

Once he commits a crime, he has ways of getting rid of all the evidence. Witnesses, victims, and traitors. He would even kill any member of his own family if it meant protecting the mafia. That's how a Don should act. So why crumble? Why ruin everything he has worked has so hard for? Why would he risk losing everything for a girl he barely even knew?

Rules were essential to him. The Omerta, the ten mafioso commandments, the Council. They kept his people and enemies in order, making things quite easy for him. He respected them. He would never break the rules, not even for a lover. Nothing could ever get in between him and his title as Don DiVaio.

So no, it wasn't love. He was sure of that. Yes, he cared about her, even though he didn't want to. And yes, he would do anything to keep her alive and happy. But love? It couldn't be. That would be wrong on so many levels. Him loving her would ruin her life. Loving someone whose life was constantly in danger, not knowing if he'd be coming back home with a wound or in a casket. That would break her.

He looked at her. She was staring at the bodies, her hands trembling. She looked absolutely distraught. She watched as Emeliano crunched down to check their pulses.

Emeliano looked at Leandro and shook his head, "They're gone."

Kayleigh gasped, covering her mouth with her hands, and that's when she started crying. "Oh, my goodness. I think I'm gonna throw up."

Leandro's first instinct was to go to her and comfort her, but he stopped when he saw her take a step back. She shook her head and uttered a soft "Please." He knew what that meant as soon as she stared at his shirt that was covered in blood. She didn't want him near her, not when he had blood all over him.

He respected her wishes and took a step back. He then turned to Luca, "Luca, take her to my room." Luca hesitated. Given the state she was in, he wasn't even sure she could walk. She was shaking. "Now, Luca. Get her out of here now." Leandro said in a stern voice.

Luca gave a subtle bow and joined Kayleigh's side. He placed one hand on her lower back and the other in front, offering her his free hand so she could hold onto him. She was thankful that Luca was by her side and could help her. If not for him holding her like this, she would've crumbled. As they were leaving the room, she looked at all of them. Leandro, Emeliano, Lorenzo, Giovanni, and Luca. Their faces were impassive, like it didn't phase them at all, like they were not affected by the situation they were experiencing.

At that moment, she realized that she had forgotten that these people were all murderers. This is what they did most of the time, if not on a daily basis. This was their lifestyle. Unlike her, they were used to it. They had seen children die before, it was nothing new to them. But for her, this was difficult. She couldn't fathom the idea of killing children. The sound of a child's cries, begging for their lives. The sound of their skulls cracking against the wall, knowing that you were taking their lives, putting an end to their future, taking away their last breaths. That was cruel.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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