Chapter 2

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Kayleigh's POV:

Do you know the feeling of excitement? Have you ever felt that exciting rush that goes through your body when you hear good news?

That was me right now. Starr had convinced our father to let us go on a vacation, a week ago.

We were all now at the airport and we were about to buy our plain tickets when the twins said that there would be no need for that, they had everything sorted out. I wondered what those two had planned now.

Gabrielle, Camilla, Starr and I were sitting down on the chairs and having a funny ass conversation.

The boys came to us and with them were two bodyguards wearing black suits and looking professional as hell.

Woah, where did these guards come from?

"Let's go." Caleb said, snapping me back to reality.

We all stood up and took our bags with. We went into some dark alley, I honestly didn't know where we were anymore. We came out of that dark alley and I couldn't believe what I saw.

There was a beautiful jet standing there, it was gold and black. It definitely reminded me of the twins, Cameron loved gold and Caleb loved black.

"Who the fuck owns this beautiful thing?" Gabby asked.

"We do." The twins both replied.

The hell? Are these kids secretly rich?!


The body guards took our bags and we followed them inside the jet.

I sat with Cameron, Cammy sat with Gabby and Starr sat with Caleb. After we were all settled, we took off and we were on our way to Italy.

I've never actually been to Italy but I have heard that it's great. I just hoped that what I heard was the actual truth.

"So, Cam, how's your mother doing?" I asked.

"She's fine. She's doing great, actually." He gave me a small smile.

Cameron was always worried about his mother. Shannon, the twins' mother, was a very sweet lady. But, unfortunately, she was a single mom, since their father left her. He just abandoned them and left. But he made sure to always send them money.

I had never met him but I heard a lot of stories about him that Caleb told me. He seemed fond of his father, even though he was the one who abandoned them. Cameron on the other hand, was way different. He was a mama's boy, it was actually cute.

"Kay, you okay?" Cameron asked, snapping me back to reality.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I told him.

"How about we listen to some music, huh?" He took out two sets of headphones and put one over my head and another on his.

We listened to some smoothing music and I eventually drifted off to sleep.


Start of the dream

{There I was, a five year old little girl, sitting on the couch, listening to my mother and my father arguing about something that involved another child besides me and my sister.

"Hey Kay, let's go to the room and play." My sister, Cicie, said.

I followed her to the bedroom and she showed me the new toys that mom bought for us.

We played for about thirty minutes and we stopped because I was getting hungry.

Cicie went downstairs to go and get us some snacks.

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