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harrys footwear he's wearing

draco and hadrian just left from their parents after saying goodbye they walked to the very back of the train draco stayed very close to hadrian as if he was protecting him after they got to the

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draco and hadrian just left from their parents after saying goodbye they walked to the very back of the train draco stayed very close to hadrian as if he was protecting him after they got to the

back hadria put his and dracos trunk up draco opened the door for hadrian as they walked in they were enjoying the silence until the door opened "im hermione and this is ron were ganna

sit here the rest of the carts are full"before either hadrian and draco could speak they just sat down pushing draco out the way hadrian eye twitched as he saw hi twin get pushed "watch it

mudblood"draco said sitting next to hadrian "shut up u slimy snake"ron scoffed as he crossed his arms "anyway who are you i've never seen u before"hermione said as she looked into

hadiran green avada kadavra eyes flashing a bit while some black and red eye line "im hadrian marvolo malfoy dracos twin"was all he said before he laid his on draco going to sleep draco put

his arm around him as he sleept hermione eyes narrowed as she looked at ron whispering something

"i didnt know malfoy had a twin"ron looks at the two in disbelief "it does not matter there both blood traitors but we need to find out where harry is" hermione looks at ron then back at the

twins "your right but anyway lets go change"she said getting up followed by ron leaving the cupartment hadrian opens his eyes and narrows them "~viperr follow them"~hissed harry as viper nodded slithering behind them hadiran closes his eyes going back to sleep thinking

-end of the train ride-

"harry..harry wake up"draco continued shaking him until he woke "mh"draco got up as he grabbed his brothers waist helping him up as well "lets go where here"hadrian got up using a

spell changing him and dracos clothes they walked up and seen most people i boats so they got in the last one with less people once everyone was seated we took off

-after the ride-

after the ride the big giant left us with a professor so everyone gathered around in front of a professor some where in groups or some where still coming in and some where just standing

there "welcome to hogwarts" the professor said as she looked around "i am professor mcgonagall the start-of-term banquet will begin shortly but before you take your seats in the

great hall you will be sorted in your houses will be something like your family within hogwarts"she said looking at some for a period of time"the four houses are hufflepuff ravenclaw

gryffindor and slytherin each house has its own noble history and each has produced outstanding wizards and witches while u are at hogwarts your triumphs will earn house points

while any rule-breaking will loose house points"she said as some whispers begin "wait here ill be right back"she said as she went inside of the great hall leaving the students there "im harry

potter bsf"ron said going around saying it to everyone ass draco rolls his eyes viper slithers up around hadrian wrapping herself around his neck "anyway guys this is draco's twin sister i feel

bad for her living with a slimy snake"ron said smirking hadrian raised his hand catching everyone's attention

"whats your name"hadrian said with a cold impression "ron weasley"he said straighten "im hadiran..marvolo malfoy"he said snapping his finger ron fell to his knees less then seconds later

he starts screaming "apologize to my brother!"he said as everyone stared in shock parkasin and zibini finally catched up to draco as they were breathing hard "s-sorry were late dray"blaise said

as draco smirked ron was screaming in pain "Im sorry IM SORRY!!"he yelled as the pain stopped ms mcgonagall came back in telling everyone to follow "don't test my brother!"draco mumbled with a low chuckle

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