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-time skip-

"harry what do u think our school year will be about"he asked as he jumped on his bed

"i don't really know but can u tie my hair dray"hadrian asked as draco quickly got up

"don't think i'll say no to u big bother"draco sad with a warm smile hadrian smiles as well 

viper slithers back in moving her body around the room until she finally got on hadrian draco heard tapping sounds from the window "hm"draco opens the window taking the owl 'fathers owl' he hands it to hadrian as he just opens it 

'hadrian draco me and your mother are happy you both were put in slytherin and we have some more great news the dark lord decided to join u in hogwarts since he says he couldn't be far away from u more then a month a year is to much  and hadiran the reason u look more girl then boy is well due to your inheritance'

sincerely lucius malfoy

love~narcissa and lucius malfoy

hadrian and draco look at each other "i'm going to talk to the head master about my clothes"hadrian said getting up "why whats wrong with them"draco asked curiously "i don't like it their very loose i could always wear my clothes and wear the slytherin tie"he said walking out with a draco following behind

-dumbledores office-

"...whats the password"hadrian thought hard as draco kept saying random candies or gryffindor multiply times  "sharp lemon"the potrate open letting them in they met with dumbledore "ah my boy"dumbledore said with twinkles in his eyes and his grandfather smile 

"i would like to talk about my robes"hadrian asked sitting down since draco was acting like a child he sat on his brothers lap  making dumbledore uncomfortable "w-what about them  my boy?"he asked keeping his smile "can i wear my own slytherin robs"he asked dumbledore

 almost choked on air "w-well i-i don't see why not"he said hiding his shocked expression hadrian got up carrying draco like a baby since he fell asleep "that's all headmaster"he said and

 left the old man with the other question leaving him dumb founded 'toms coming to this school but for what'he thought hard 'if he does not cause trouble then he probably misses me and wants to come back to school'dumb-ass-dore thought as he laughed a bit a the thought

-the next day {{saturday}}

-the next day {{saturday}}

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