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(Skip to 5th year now guys my bad  it was supposed to been fifth year but I forgot)

Bellatrix and hadrian's eyes widen the manor was on complete fire the trees were destroyed in the sky was the word 'for the greater good' with an angel by it hadrian slowly starts running then runs faster Bellatrix behind him his eyes filled with tears hadrian pushed the door open seeing the mess it was some fire here and there u could tell it was a battle the spells left marks the manor was slowly breaking apart hadrian ran right Bella ran the other way fast as possible

-with hadrian-
He ran fast as tears fell his hair blowing showing how long it was he saw his father and mother bodies on the ground "MOM DAD" he yelled he ran to them Talking on his knees they were still breathing they just fainted hadrian let out a breath of relief as he healed them he ran upstairs quickly running into the second big room that's like a living room he found tom  he ran to him crying

tom fainted due to his thrust and weak state he didn't enough drink blood he fainted with a few cuts and bruises'he must of fought' hadrian thought as he turned to t Biting his wrists he grabbed tom leaning him back he poured his

blood down his throat the blood flowing on its on his pale skin turned back to its normal states as his nails grew back tom flutter his eyes open eyes his red eyes shined it's color he gets up not before hissing "where were u" he asked as he got up his wings emerged wrapping around his

self hadrian gets home feeling guilty "i-i was with aunt bellatrix we were sopping" hadrian said as tom nodded "we need to go this manor with break" tom Said "we can just go to the riddle man-"tom cuts in" I cannot access it Dumbledore learned how to block makes by destroying them my manor is no more"tom said sighing rubbing his eyes

hadrian bends down picking up something he nods "i-ill think of something I'll be downstairs" hadrian said he walked out and into the living room where he saw his mother father um and Bellatrix with her twin brothers hadrian ran into Lucius and Narcissa arms who hugged back tightly "your ok we thought u were captured u weren't here when we woke up" Narcissa said crying hugging her child to death

"Mom dad what happens.. " hadrian asked Lucius and Narcissa went silent then lucius spoke "we were just enjoying our morning since we knew u and bellatrix We're together but we couldn't even sure..we heard a knock we went to see who or what it was when we asked the person he had information

about where u were we took our wands out just incase before we opened the door it bursted in flames draco got hurt more bc he was in front of Narcissa then some of ministry that works for Dumbledore came in destroying stuff they caught all of us some were using dark magic unbelievable spells and one used the unforgivable curse..." Lucius said as he moved over Narcissa soon cried again Bella hugged her Worriedly as Lucius moved he flicked his hand and Draco's dead body appeared the room was silent tom walked in his eyes widen he quickly walks over hadrian falls to his knees

He picks up his baby brother and crys hard "no.. No.. NO" hadrian cried bellatrix eyes widen she cries silently as Narcissa continued Lucius closed his eyes looking away "NO GODDAMMIT" hadrian cried his wings spring free as the fire around then grows his wings surround them "DRAY DON'T LEAVE ME PLEASE" hadrian cried hugging his brothers body his eyes turning s dark green with a pint of red his nails grew black and onf his hair growing more the white brightening the black going darker

Lucius went to hug his wife as tom bent down to grab hadrian who refused to let go "DRACO" hadrian cried as his magic froze the room it went loose chocking everyone hadrian cried tom pulls hadrian in a hug hadrian clings onto tom and draco holding them tightly tom quietly calms his mate down "shhh you will get revenge" tom whispered as hadrian's eyes grew a darker green that spelt revenge with a mix of red like blood

"I'm sorry papa so sorry mama" hadrian whispered Lucius and Narcissa plans what did their son mean but that "if I was here then none of this would of happen" hadrian cried bellatrix joined the hug calming her nephew down "calm yourself hades I'm sure draco wouldn't want u to groove over his death instead of getting revenge for him" bellatrix said as hadrian nodded his head

slowly. He clings back onto. Tom who picks him up "we will leave tm morning so Pack everything before this manor Collapses" tom said before apparating away with hadrian in his arms the three adults nodded before going there was a bellatrix sent her brothers home far from here since they became blind and couldn't speak due To the Accident

-with tom and harry-

Tom laid harry in the bed before he walked away "yes dear? " tom asked "... If we have a child I want to name him/her either draco or dragons" hadrian said with tears in his eyes tom's eyes widen before he nods "I'm sure draco would love it dear" tom said as he gave hadrian a kiss on the for head hadrian turned over crying silently tom felt hurt he turned around before saying one last thing "how about... We try tomorrow.... How does that sound love" asked tom hadrian only nodded tom sighs as he walk out of the room Hadrian screams into his plow crying screaming a total mess after seeing his brothers Dead body

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