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Tom smiles as he hugs hadrian he flinches slightly making tom pull back showed a bit "i-im sorry I don't know why I did that... "Hadrian said rubbing his left wing tom eyes narrow " what happened.. "Tom said as hadrian eyes begin to fill with tears " i-i tried to resisted but I guess they gave me some type of shot so I couldn't use my creature or my magic...ron raped me"hadrian said as his tears fell tom eyes widen as they flashed red

Hadrian wings unleashed wrapping around him "im sorry tom but can I be alone...
" Hadrian said as tom Gets up walking to the door he opens it slamming it shut Hadrian flinches and starts crying tom walks down the hallway giving a dark aura chocking everyone

"My Lord has he awaken" Lucius asked as he kneeled with his wife and son by his side "yes.. " tom said with a cold voice making the malfoys flinches at the tone "he wants...to not be bother"tom said walking out of the manor draco smiles drop and Lucius eyes widen Narcissa frowns 'my baby.. 'Narcissa thought as she sat on the couch

Draco walked to his room throwing himself on his bed 'I will fucking kill u wealsey'drsco thought gritting his teeth in anger " dobby"draco called as he heard a pop "what can dobby do for master draco" draco sits up as he smiles weakly "can u bring my brother some food... " draco said as dobby eyes lit up "dobby can do that. Master draco dobby give master Hadrian food" dobby said and with a pop he was gon draco frowns as he went to take a shower

-wit Lucy and narci-

Narcissa and Lucius look outside at the moon "I want revenge for. My baby Lucy"
Narcissa said as she drunk her tea "me two love but we cant... It would cause a disturbance" Lucius said as he sat next to his wife "that Weasley and. Mudloob and fucking album will pay" Narcissa said getting angry "I headed that the dark Lord threw her out of the window... " Lucius said as Narcissa chocked on. Her tea "if shes still alive then he didn't drop her high enough" Narcissa said as she earned a chuckle from Lucy

-with hadrian-

He was in the shower for the past 3 hrs scrubbing his body crying as blood mixed with the water soon Hadrian fainted due to over heat his creature sending a distress signal to their mate secs letter tom comes storming in seeing his mate pasted out in the shower he summons a total wrapping him in it he picks Hadrian up slowly and calmly using his magic to calm Hadrian down witch helped a bit he walked to the bedroom he lays him down giving him a kiss on his forehead before he could leave a hand caught him "don't leave..."Hadrian whispered

Tom smiles weakly as he lifts Hadrian getting behind him cuddling him from the back Hadrian means into tom sniffing his scent tom falls asleep slowly as Hadrian Leando and snuggled closer to him as if he was ganna be taken from him tom hugged back tightly reassuring he wasn't going to leave Hadrian whined a bit as tom wrote his names with his long finger nail on his cheek hadrian's cheek drew a line of blood Hadrian smiled and he fell into a deep calm peaceful sleep

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