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Reminder-Dead draco riddle/malfoy manor destroyed light side becoming chaotic darn side injured not completely but will move manors and will live together in it hades and tom will try for a kid when they get settled down draco/dracona to awner Draco's death
Hadrian woke up in a pitch dark black room he looked around seeing nothing but darkness he walked forwards towards nothing until he sees dray on The ground crying his eyes widen he slowly starts running before picking up his paste he falls on his knees and hugs draco who's eyes we're filled with tears he hugged His brother back "dray" Hadrian cried happily "cmon let's go Home" Hadrian said getting up pulling Draco with him "Hadrian... I cant" draco said

"W-wdym" Hadrian said bagging away a bit draco pulled him down with him "I know I died hadrian and I would say it's my fault but it's not ok...pls don't become depressed over my death its not really.. Nice y'know and look at it this way I'm still ganna. Be with you no need to worried" draco said with a warm smile he had black veela wings Hadrian only nodded looking down draco sighs  before turning around looking at nothing but blackness

"Y'know I didn't think I would die... But that's ok tho I mean at least I don't have to clean" draco joked chuckling at the end Hadrian. Only let a small chuckle with a smile draco grabs Hadrian's hands making him look him. In the. Face "I hears u and the Lord would try for a baby" draco said smirking draco giving Him A look "w-well no one actually told me I didn't hear nothing either but... It's nice u want to name him/her draco or draco name" spoke draco who smiled

"But giving her. My first name is a bit. Much how another u and the Lord chooses her real name and the rest draco- marvolo- Malfoy- riddle" draco said smiling Hadrian smiled lightly as his eyes shined he nodded his head "great I'll just be here in your mind scale or if u want just call me in your mind and I will come bye big brother" draco said waving Hadrian hugged  him one last time before fading away

-back to reality-

Hadrian noticed he Was in Toms arms he looked up noticed it was more cracks in the roof then before they had to leave before it Collapses I mean no one wants to live in a manor while it breaks down slowly tom woke up with a short smile Hadrian nodded as tom got up "made a routine for it.. Mornings after dinner and night three times a day" tom said as Hadrian nodded eagerly "we can also complete the mating mark while so" Hadrian said as tom nodded

Hadrian walked downstairs to the table as a elf gave him his food he started eating then  he sees his parents they had everything they came to sit at the table "where are we going to stay" asked Narcissa Sounding broken "I would have to go to gringotts to find out what manors i own I'll be going right now" Hadrian said getting up running

Upstairs he went into the. Room seeing tom. Changing he blushes and walk lasted "be careful I have a death eater meeting it will be at the Ridley manor" tom Said as Hadrian gave him a look "thought it was destroyed" tom turns around looking at Hadrian "ah darling your for getting something I'm the dark Lord" he says kissing Hadrian the kiss was soft and wet but passionate he Let go and Aparaeted away

Hadrian changed his outfit into something nice

He left he room to see Bellatrix dresses as well she nodded he nodded back she grabbed his shoulders and they operated away leaving no one at the Manor they appeared at gringotts

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He left he room to see Bellatrix dresses as well she nodded he nodded back she grabbed his shoulders and they operated away leaving no one at the Manor they appeared at gringotts

They walked to the front were a goblin appeared "follow me" it said and they did "what can I do for u today Hadrian" the goblin asked Hadrian and Bella sat down "I would like to see my Lord as heir ships if possible" he said the goblin nodded
A knife and osrtchment appeared Hadrian done the process so he didn't need to be told when he drop the necessary drops of blood the words appeared

Lord to:






Raven claw



Heir to:

Malfoy (destroyed)





Malfoy manor (destroyed)

Potter holiday home

Peverell castle

Peverell cottage

Evans house

4/4 Hogwarts

Gryffindor manor

Hufflepuff castle

Ravenclaw mansion

Merlin's manor/hide out/castle

Hadrian eyes soften his face lit up with excitement Bellatrix reads it and yells of excitement "the castle the peverell castle I wanna live their"said an excitement Bellatrix Hadrian nodded they got up and bowed at the goblin who nodded as they left

The appeared in the meeting room Bellatrix taking her seat as the dark Lords right hand and Hadrian taking his spot on Tom's lap tom wrap his arms around him " where ganna stay at the peverell castle"Hadrian said a bit seductive tom tightens his hold and nods the meeting continues Hadrian watches silently

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