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"you may not think I'm pretty but don't judge on what you see i'll eat myself if you can find a smarter hate than me you can keep your bowlers black your top hats sleep and tall for i'm the hogwarts sorting hat and i can cap them all! theres nothing hidden in your head the sorting hat

 can't see so try me on and i will tell you where u ought to be you might belong in gryffindor where dwell the brave at heart there daring nerve and chivalry set gryffindors apart you might belong in hufflepuff where they are just and loyal Those patient--hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil or yet in wise old ravenclaw if you've a ready mind where those of wit and learning will always find their kind or perhaps in slytherin you'll make your real friends those cunning folks use any means to achieve their ends so put me on! don't be afraid! and don't get in a flap you're in a safe hands though i have none for i'm a thinking cap!

some first years shocked impressed or unamused "first years follow me"everyone followed standing at the bottom of the steps while mcgonagall stand by a stool with a hat in on ehand and something in the other almost have of the students gone leaving 10 left hadrian and draco had a cold expression

brown lavendore


crabbe vincent


theodore nott


sally anna perks


seamus finnegan 


draco malfoy


hermione granger


ronald weasley


ginny weasley


//also hadrian nicknames may be harry||hades||harriet||or kitten bc he looks more like a girl then a boy so//

as those kids went to their tables it was finally hadrian's turn "hadrian marvolo malfoy//harry potter"mcgonagall said as the room went silent the only thing u can here is three people clapping hadrian scoffed as he walked up the step sitting down dumbledore  leaning forward a bit gonagall puts the hat on hadrians head

'ah mr.potter or should i say mr.malfoy' hadrian only sighed 'hello to you to" the hate smirks "you have plenty of courage i see most definitely but then again you have a mind of a killer  but not at all not a bad mind but you have alot of  talent as well mr.malfoy and thirst to prove yourself to the ones u love and hate' the hate said as hadrian eyes narrowed "better be...SLYTHERIN"the hate called out as hadrian took him off his head giving it back to mcgonagall walking to the slytherin table the only u here is his shoes as they make the sound of when he hit the ground the three teens continued clapping for their dark lady as hadrian sat next to draco parkason and zibini dumbledore got up as he recovered from his shock the gryffindor table was not pleased at all by the sudden change

"before we begin our banquet i would love to say a few words and they are...nitwit blubber oddment"as he said that food appeared the hall became loud as kids started eating and talking draco and hadrian chatted silently as parkison and blaise talked silently as well the rest of the slytherins bragging about how they got another malfoy or better yet the boy-who-lived 

severus stared at his new-nephew who seemed to be the potter he felt guilty as he was staring hadrian looked his way locking eyes with him the only thing he did was nod his head at severus who nodded back at him soon the hall went dark everyone screamed and was yelling draco who wasnt so dramatic went to his brothers side quicker then anything hadiran opened his arms to him as he flew in his arms

hadrian's pov-

as i was sorted in the best house their is i went to sit with draco and his friends since dumbledore recoverd from his shock he got up catching everyones attention "before the dinner start i would like to say a few words...nitwit blubber oddment "he said food appeared as everyone started eating the hall got loud me and draco silently talking i noticed severus was staring at me probably for a reason i only nod at him he nods back suddenly the lights go out

 everything goes dark then everyone starts yelling and screaming while moving around i look at draco i open my arms to him as he ran in them hugging me tight i noticed that my brother was scared of the dark viper slithers from me onto draco for protection as this happen the teachers quickly go to their students trying to calm them down the most calm students where the slytherins so much for bravery 

"SILENCE"dumbledore yelled as everyone went silent dumbledore used a spell as everything went back to normal"teachers get with your students and take them to their dorm rooms"dumbledore yelled as everyone was being escorted out their draco stayed close to his big brother after all he was scared of the dark ~"viperr you can go explore"~i hissed as viper raised her body "~yesss massterss "viper hissed back before she slithered away  

"stay together if you get lost im not going to find you"severus said as everyone stayed close to him they were walking a fast pace towards their dorm rooms bc wtv got in does not want anyone out 

gryffindor common room-

"can you believe this wasn't harry suppose to be in our house"ginny yelled as everyone looked at her "calm down ginny dumbledore will fix it"ron said as he exclaimed "anway do u guys know what

 could have made the light go out"she said looking at both ron and ginny "what if its one of those slimy snakes"ron said rolling his eyes "why-nvm anyway when need to get harry so we can

 solve this case and then he'll have to go to gryffindor"she claimed as both ron and ginny agreed "it probably was a mistake anyway"ginny said laughing ron looking a bit creeped out "we just have to get out of this room"she said sighing "it shoudn't be hard right hermione"ginny looks at hermione in a pleading way "ofc"was all she said with a smile

1007 word count~

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