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Hadrian woken up left the room leaving a sleepy tom he made his way down the riddle Manor when he. Bummed into someone "hadrian ur awake that's good dear" Bellatrix said skilling lightly "ah... Aunt Bellatrix" hadrian said moving some Hair out his face he smiles lightly "how about we go shopping dear every one is still asleep and it's really early I was on my way to go kill something or someone" Bellatrix said skilling hadrian nodded as Bellatrix grabbed his shoulder and they apparated go digon Aley hadrian being smart put a hood on

Thy walked to the clothes store first they walked in going to the front desk Bellatrix called for someone and a woman who Wore green came she was beautiful "how may I help U"shes asked with a kind smile " we would like to get some outfits"Bellatrix said as the woman nodded "this was so I can take ur Messerments" the lady said as hadrian went frost being the heir t the black and dark prince/lady Bellatrix didn't protest

After the measurements it was Bellatrix turn with oy took a couple of seconds she asked what type of outfits they would like they wrote it down for her so it could be easy

Hadrian's outfits he wants:
4-black dresses
6-green outfits
5-shirts and pants a whole outfit
2-style skirts
2-style shirts

Bellatrix outfits she wants:
5-grey tights
3-black dressss
6-outfits black
2-style outfits
1-style skirt
1-style shirt

The lady Nodded "ah come back in three hrs pls" she said as they nodded and left they went to the jewelry store Bellatrix was the most excited hadrian followed the crazy woman would phed him next the the diamonds they expensive but she didn't care

Bellatrix choices:

"Ah those times necklaces are magic just put some in it and it's like a magic charm you chose right my dear" an old man said coming from. The shadows Bellatrix grinned as she payed for them hadrian stepped up collecting some. Jewelry as well he picked some nice ones at that

Hadrian's choices:

AAfter hadrian payed for he's they thanked the old man and left since since they had one left so they decided to have some ice cream

"Thanks aunt Bellatrix this is the first time I had a nice shopping spree" hadrian said. chuckling Bellatrix eyes soften as she smiles "haha I needed this two don't worry Hades will get thru this together" Bellatrix said smiling as she ate her ice Cream

"hades?"hadrian asked Bellatrix chuckle " it's a nickname I used to call u... When u were a baby by anyway draco is Atchached to u know"Bellatrix said as hadrian ate his ice cream "ya.. Witch is good I have my brother back u know not everyone gets a second change in life to be with that one family" hadrian said Bellatrix looks down  "it's weird

everyone living in the riddle/malfoy Manor a powerful family of purebloods/half bloods" deserve something nice"Bellatrix said as she looked up "albus found us and came to us with his issues about how we needed to keep draco in check and we got attacked by some lights at both manors were only safe

now bc the dark Lord out up wards" Bellatrix said sighing hadrian eyes narrows as he looks around "we can live in one of my manors they should be used anyway" hadrian said shrugging his shoulder "I shouldn't even be telling u after u just got better u but let's go and pick up our outfits" Bella said getting up hadrian right behind her

(There been gon for five hrs)

They made it back to the clothing store they went to grabbing their clothes shrinking it putting it in their pockets"ty ma'am" Bella said as hadrian nodded the lady smiled and wished them A good day after they paid and left they aparated to the malfoy Manor gates what they saw shocked them to the core

Btw hadrian outfit he wore for the last five hrs-

Btw hadrian outfit he wore for the last five hrs-

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Bellatrix's outfit for the past five hrs:

Bellatrix's outfit for the past five hrs:

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