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Little brother but baby-draco

Tom woke up as he saw Severus kneeling in front of him "my Lord I've brought the. Mud blood" Severus said as he flicks his hand Hermione falls face front she gets up in anger looking at her professor "professor you know that is illegal right" Hermione said in complete anger "where is he" tom said as he eyes we're red his teeth sharp his wings bigger and darker Hermione yelps in surprise "w-what do u Mean" she said tricking over herslef "where is he!" Tom yelled his magic releasing chocking the little girl Severus

leaves quickly he doesn't wanna be next Hermione Kees her mouth shut shaking her head no " YOU WILL TELL ME YOU FILTHY MUDBLOOD!!!" tom yells throwing hermione to the wall she coughs up blood and miss her head yes "H-Hes with ron him and

d-dumbledore where planing on r-rape him and make him. S-submissive. I. Told them. It wasn't going to work but they didn't believe me So they did it anyway..." Hermione said whipping the Blood up "But I'm surprise ur just know finding this Out i bet they already  done with it I bet he's Bleeding like the shut he is"Hermione says as tom threw her out the window she screams before she falls

The doors burst open showing Draco carrying Hadrian who looks pasted out tom eyes widen as his creature take over he runs over Draco collapse tom. Catches them both he puts Hadrian on his lap feeling the things he felt seeing the bruises as well he growls

Draco faints tom catches him with his hands as he summons Severus he starts healing them both tom not leaving Hadrian's side at all sleepy by his stayed by him talked to himself well to him all day the Slytherin visit as they seen Hermione and ron feeling better than ever anytime they got the change the Slytherins would send them deadly curses as a punishment

Hadrian cried as his wings stayed around him he slowly got up walking to the door he summons a new clean whit elongated t shirt not feeling the energy To change into something pretty he opens the door seeing that he's on the side with the gryffindors he walked down there hallways until he saw green he walked down. More until he tripped falling on someone when he opened his eyes it was Draco he cried happy tears

"Hadrian!" Draco said shocked and mad putting Hadrian's head in his lap "hey dray" hadrian said as he fainted Draco growled angrily as he picked up his beautiful brother walking quickly to the Slytherin Derma tries he walked quickly with his white wings. Surrounding him. And Hadrian for warmth as Hadrian felt ice cold he burst open he door to Tom's room He made meeting an angry bloody tom Draco collapse tom moves fast as he catches them both pulling Hadrian in his lap
-end of flashback-

It was Chris mass ever so tom brought everyone back to the manor him turning back to his regular age being back in control felt great but he never left his room he watchee over Hadrian as hes been sleep since holloween tom patiently ruled and checked on him until he finally woke up... With rage wanting revenge he never felt like this before but after what happens he wasn't being nice anymore that was said

Hadrian finger twitched tom sits up calmly as nigini slithered around the bed Hadrian's eyes flickered open as they turned  crimson red tom eyes lit up a bit his creature was jumping with excitement Hadrian shot up from the bed his white and black hair falling from the pony tail tom sits on the side of the bed smiling Hadrian softly smiled grabbing Tom's hand "hey love" Hadrian said

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