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Abuse: Ron x harry
Rape: Ron x harry

Hadrian was walking down the hallway in a Slytherin outfit but it's school propriet

As he was walking he was also thinking in deep thought not noticing someone behind him by time he did he was stabbed with a needle by his neck he fainted as every thing went dark he went unconscious

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As he was walking he was also thinking in deep thought not noticing someone behind him by time he did he was stabbed with a needle by his neck he fainted as every thing went dark he went unconscious

-minutes later-
Tom and Draco we mad the. Slytherin Hall was unstable most likely the whole Slytherin common room. The Slytherin a couldn't find Hadrian making them. Angry they were mean to everyone Severus became anxious his students were making them loose house points he was scared that his Lord was here making everything worse his anger is one of a kind deadly powerful it's been 3 hrs since breakfast was over it was already third class

-with hadrian-
Hadrian wakes up tied to chair he tries summoning something but it seems. To. Not Work he looks around noticing a bed and tools he hears the door open. Showing two people his eyes widen "seems your awake" Dumbledore says as he smiles "where I'm I" Hadrian said trying to break the rope "in the dungeons somewhere no one will find you" Ron answered with a tiny of blush and a

smirks Hadrian gives a disgusting look "let me go you fucking prick" Hadrian said as he was yanked up by Ron their faces at least one inch away from touching Hadrian voice gets caught in his throat "shut it you whore since he got a taste I want some as well" Ron said making Hadrian's eyes widen Ron throws him back down making him fall to  the ground Dumbledore snaps his fingers and the

Ropes disappear teleporting Hadrian on the bed tied up in nothing but a white long shirt "wait till I get out of here and I will fucking Kill you album"Hadrian said as tears start forming in his eyes Dumbledore smirks and leaves living Ron and. Hadrian Alon. In the dark room Ron slowly gets undress as Hadrian struggles getting loose his eyes start turning red while the tears fall down Hadrian promised himself he wouldn't cry but this isn't the case he was going to get rape by the person he hates the Most ron

-with Tom and draco-
" WHERE TF IS HE SEVERUS! "tom yells as Severus was kneeled in front of him Narcissa hugging her son while she cried silently " i-i don't know my Lord  the gryffindor students said he was walking down the hallway when ron started following that's the only thing they told me"Severus said as the room went silent after. Minutes tom. Collapse and starts screening his creature demanding to come out and find his mate the pain was

unbelievable Narcissa Severus and Draco ran over catching him before he hit the ground tom grabs Severus coat making him worry a bit "b-bring me...the mud blood" tom said before the pain kicked in a fine Severus nodded quickly. Getting up running well speed walking to the gryffindor tower

-with Hadrian and ron-
Hadrian cried as ron Thruster inside him hard making blood flow turning the sheets red Hadrian screamed his tears turning red his creature feeling violated displeased feeling like he's being tortured Hadrian squeezes his eyes shut as his wings unleash thoring ron off the bed making him hit his head passing out Hadrian's wings surround him as he slowly heals his tears bloody and red he cries as he pulls his knees to his chest he cries saying sorry forgive me tom over and over thinking he betrayed his mate thinking he did something to hurt his. Mate as he feels his mates anger slowly returning he feels his mates. Emotions he crys harder

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