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"Darling are u ok" Narcissa asked harry looked at her crazy "oh yes mom I'm prefect I'm the most perfect person in the world mother" he said sarcastically Narcissa frowned Bellatrix sat next to him "call down Hades were all grooming over it" Bellatrix said harrys magic lashes out scaring both of them into using theirs as a shield "I don't fucking care what u all think u might as well think ur grieving but ur not so don't fucking petty me" he said leaving the room the ladies look at each other before nodded they ran out running to tom "my Lord u must fuck harry" Bellatrix yelled the room went silent

Narcissa was actually surprised "not.. Actually I mean well he needs cooling and... " Narcissa said trying her best "u want tom to calm harry down?" Lucius said the ladies slowly nodded "um what happened" he asked kinda still traumatized "um well he lashed out and went to the master bedroom so i think u should" Bella said trailing off tom nodded getting up he walked to the master bedroom

When he walked in he was met with a naked harry he had nothing on but a towel wrapped around his waist "oh it's u" it sounded to rough coming out his mouth "harry are u alright" tom asked kinda worriedly "how about we try right now" harry said with excitement totally ignoring the question tom sighed but nodded he got undressed hopefully this could make his mate happy at least


Dumbledore and the ministers of magic where sitting down

"Albus we've been informed that the malfous manor was attacked and they losted their son.."cornelius said the room was silent

" u had no choice either them or us and it's all for the greater good they are death eaters.."albus said

"What if harry was there" Mrs. Weasley said clearly angry

"We could still get him back. " "harry Potter is know for a lot of spells but bringing back the dead is impossible"

"But albus is alive after being killed by Severus let's talk about that!"

The room went silent as both one spoke

"There is a way to bring back the dead we are leaders of the light we cannot give in to the darkness my friends let's not fight now" albus said

ty for reading but you've made it to the end of the story if i do entend to continue. Have a nice day 💕

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2023 ⏰

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