she walks in on you changing and sees your scars (requested)

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Author's Note: this contains a brief mention of SH. Please don't read if that makes you uncomfortable. Thank you.


Taylor looked at the time on her phone once more before letting out a sigh and making her way up a few steps on the staircase.

"Baby? Are you almost ready to go?" She yelled out but all she got back in response was silence.

She walked down the hall to your bedroom, hoping that you were almost ready to go so you wouldn't be late for your dinner reservation.

She didn't think of knocking, it just didn't enter her mind for some reason.

So when she opened the door, she was surprised to find that you only had your pants on and a gasp left her lips.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, baby! I should've knocked, I'm sorry." She said as she covered her eyes.

You shook your head with a chuckle and said,

"It's okay, Taylor. Don't worry. You can come in."

You were changing in front of the mirror in your bedroom, so she walked up behind you as you grabbed your shirt off of your bed.

She put her arms around you and put her cheek on your shoulder as a hum left her lips.

"My girl," She smiled.

"Tay, I need to put my shirt on." You giggled.

She playfully rolled her eyes and turned you around, wanting to steal a kiss from your lips.

But as she did so, her gaze just so happened to land on your arms and that's when she saw the scars on your wrist.

"Hey," She whispered softly. "What happened?"

You saw what she was looking at and tried to hide your wrists so she wouldn't see the scars any longer, but as you tried she gently but securely grabbed them and held them in her hands.

"How did you get these scars, baby?"

You were quiet for a moment.

You've only been dating Taylor for a couple of months and haven't let her see your scars before.

So, obviously, you haven't told her the story behind them either.

"I used to self-harm." You confessed and watched her eyes fill with sadness. "Don't worry, I don't do it anymore. I haven't in quite some time. But the scars are there for good."

"Oh." She said as she stared back at the scars again.

"I don't like them."


"I don't know. I guess I just feel awkward explaining the story behind them. I always worry that people will judge me if I tell them."

"Baby, I'm not going to judge you. That's not what I'm here for." She said as she brought your wrists to her lips, lovingly kissing the scars. "I'm here to love you, every part of you. I think your scars are beautiful."

"Yeah, right." You scoffed.

"I'm serious." She said. "They're part of you, Y/N. Therefore, they're beautiful. Because every piece of you is beautiful."

Your heart flittered.

It wasn't just because of her words.

But also because of the look in her eyes.

She was being genuine as she spoke.

She meant every word she said, making you feel beautiful.

"You think so?"

"I do." She smiled. "You're beautiful. I don't think you should be ashamed. It's a part of your past that isn't so pretty but your scars are proof that you were strong enough to overcome that. I think that you're so much stronger than you think you are. These scars are proof of that."

She continued to lovingly kiss your scars and you couldn't help but smile.

This is the first time someone has ever made you feel okay about your scars and the first time someone has ever made you feel so beautiful.

"Thank you."

"For what?" She questioned.

"For making me feel so good about myself. For encouraging me and for making me feel pretty."

She let go of your wrists so she could cup your cheek softly in her palm.

"You are pretty, baby; so pretty." She whispered as she smiled brightly, adoringly gazing into your eyes. "Are you ready to go? We're going to be late."

You put your shirt on before nodding your head.

She kissed your cheek softly before taking your hand.

"I'm ready, Tay."

She grinned and walked out of the bedroom with you and then your house, ready for a nice night out with you.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now