you're insecure about your scars (requested)

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You and Taylor were curled up in her bed together.

A movie was playing on the tv, though quietly because neither of you was paying much attention to it.

You were only focused on each other.

Taylor had your hand wrapped in hers and she was just brushing her fingers across yours as she admired your soft skin and took in every little feature she could.

You had a sweater on so Taylor lifted the sleeve up a little so she could continue to study every inch of you and that's when she frowned.

She saw the scars on your wrist for the very first time and she looked away from your skin and to your eyes before looking back at your wrist.

"How long have you had these, darling?"

"A few years now." You said.

"You got them from harming yourself?" She asked with a touch of sadness in her voice.

"Yeah. I haven't done it in a while but, no matter how much time goes by, the scars never really go away." You said with a sigh. "I'm insecure about them. That's why I usually wear long sleeves. So I can cover them up."

"Oh, baby, you don't have to do that around me though."

"I don't like them, Taylor. I hate looking at them."

"They're beautiful, though."

"How so?" You asked.

"Well, they're a reminder of just  how strong you are. I don't think they're there to remind you of the pain and trauma you went through and I don't think you should hate them. I think you should glance at them and realize just how far you've come. You're not in that place anymore. You overcame it. That's not an easy thing to do and you should be proud."

"I guess."

"No, baby, I genuinely mean it. You're so much stronger than you think you are. To overcome something like that is something to be proud of. You were in a dark place but you found your way out of it. Your scars aren't there to be hated and they're not ugly. They're a sign of strength and something that makes you even more beautiful."

You smiled a little as you watched her lips brush softly across all the scars on your wrist.

"I love them because they're part of you. I love them because they show me just how strong and brave you are. Be proud of yourself. Take some pride in overcoming what you went through. Your scars are pretty, just like you, darling."

You didn't feel as insecure about them as you did before after hearing the sweet, loving words fall from her lips.

"Be kind to yourself, okay? You deserve it."

You nodded and she kissed your lips softly, making you smile against hers.

"Thank you, Taylor. Maybe I won't hate them as much as I used to now that your words will always come back to me when I see them."

"Good." She said with a little smile. "An if you ever need me to remind you again, I'm always here for you."

You shared another kiss before she pulled up your other sleeve and began to kiss the scars on that wrist too.

For the first time, you didn't see them as anything ugly, and that was all because of Taylor.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now