wake up my girlfriend is here prank (requested)

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"Taylor? Taylor, wake up!" You said as you shook your girlfriend awake.

You watched her blue eyes slowly open and she tiredly rubbed them.

She didn't know what time it was but she knew it was too early to wake up.

"Hm?" She mumbled tiredly.

"Taylor, you have to wake up! My girlfriend is here."

"What?" She asked as you helped her sit up.

"You need to hide! Quick, come on, before she sees you!"

You helped her out of bed and walked over to the closet with her before pushing her inside and closing the door.

She felt so tired that she hadn't understood the situation and your words hadn't sunk in.

But now that she was in the closet, she was much more awake than before.

"Wait, who's coming over?"

"My girlfriend!" You said with a sense of urgency in your voice.

She opened the door and peeked outside, her eyes meeting yours.

"But... I'm your girlfriend." She pouted. "So... I'm coming over?"

You couldn't help but giggle over the cute and confused expression on her face.

"Baby, I'm so confused. Are you saying another girl is coming over?"

"Baby," You chuckled. "I'm only messing with you. You can come out of there now."

She stepped out and closed the door behind her.

"I was only pranking you." You said as she put her arms around you. "Which I know not to do when you first wake up now because you were really out of it."

"Well, what did you expect waking me up like that?" She asked, pouting again.

You tried to kiss her but she dodged it, causing you to frown.

"You scared me. When I realized what was going on, I thought you had another girlfriend."

"Nope. Just you, my love."

She smiled a little and let your lips touch hers.


"I promise, forever and always, you are my one and only."

She kissed you again and then pulled away to give you a big hug.

"You should go back to sleep now."

"Not a chance." She said. "How about we go get some food instead?"

"Okay." You smiled and followed her down the stairs, her hand wrapped in yours.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now