she breaks your telescope (requested)

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"Y/N? Y/N!" Taylor called out for you as she slammed the front door behind her.

She'd had an awful day today and you not answering any of her calls or texts had only made it worse.

She's in a bad mood and the last thing she wants is to take it out on you but she can't help but feel upset that you hadn't picked up when she tried to call you a few times when she was in the studio, only for all of her calls to go to voicemail.

"Y/N! Where are you?" She called out.

She went upstairs and found you out on the balcony, looking out of your telescope.

She'd usually find it cute and endearing because she knows how much you love that thing, but today it only upset her.

She knows that's why you missed her calls.

Because you were too busy staring out of that thing.

You always tend to tune the rest of the world out when you're looking through it because you get so caught up in the beauty of looking into space.

It's something that soothes you and it's always your favorite part of the day.

But today, Taylor wasn't so thrilled about you looking out of it.

She stormed out onto the balcony and said your name, startling you.


You jumped as she said your name.

Turning around to face her, you put your hand over your racing heart and chuckled.

"Oh, gosh, Tay, you scared me."

"I called you."

"You did? Oh, baby, I'm so sorry. I got caught up in looking out of my telescope." You said before looking back through the lens again. "What did you call me for? Is everything alright?"

"No! It's far from alright. I had the worst day."


"Sorry?" She scoffed. "Can you look away from that stupid thing for five minutes and pay attention to me?"

"Taylor," You frowned as you looked back at her. "What is going on with you?"

Instead of answering your question, she did something completely unexpected.

Letting out a groan of frustration, she came over to you and grabbed your telescope.

And out of anger, she threw it off of the balcony, causing it to fall onto the ground and break into several pieces.

"Taylor!" You yelled. "What is the matter with you!?"

Her anger immediately faded away as she realized what she'd done.

"I'm so sorry." She said.

You were understandably upset with her; so upset that tears welled up in your eyes.

"Why would you do that? That telescope was my everything! I can't believe you!"

"I'm sorry, baby. I don't know what came over me, I was just so angry-"

"So you take it out on my things? How would you like it if I did that to you? If I ruined one of your guitars when I was upset? How dare you, Taylor!"

Taylor tried to grab your hand and apologize profusely, but you just pulled away from her.

"No, don't. I don't even want to look at you right now." You aid before grabbing your things.

You stormed across the hall to the guest room and slammed the door in Taylor's face.

"Baby, please open up. I'm so sorry!"

"Go away, Taylor!" You yelled out and Taylor hung her head before giving you some much-needed space.


The next morning came and you got out of bed to go downstairs to grab some breakfast and some water.

When you went downstairs, you saw Taylor sitting at the table and her head lifted when she heard your footsteps on the floor.

"Y/N," She smiled a little and got up to hurry to your side.

"I'm still mad at you, Taylor. Don't think I've forgiven you just yet." You spoke, making her heart sink.

"You will be soon, I think. Can I show you something?"

"I'd really rather you just give me some space right now, Taylor."

"Please, Y/N." She said pleadingly and you sighed as you set your bowl down on the counter.

"Fine." You said.

You followed her into the living room, where you saw a brand new telescope all setup and ready for you to use.

"I went to the store last night and found the best one they had. Do you like it?"

"Taylor, I love it!" You said as you marveled over how perfect the telescope was.

It was even nicer than your last one.

"I feel so awful for letting my anger get the best of me like it did last night and for ruining your telescope. I know how much it meant to you. I'm truly sorry. I hope this makes up for it."

You stood up and slowly made your way back over to her before giving her a little smile.

"It does. I love it."

She breathed out a sigh of relief.

"But if you break this one, we're going to have some major problems." You warned.

"Oh, baby, I swear I won't." She promised. "I'm so sorry but I'm so happy you love this one."

"I do!" You grinned before making your way back to the telescope. "And you set it up."

"I did. It wasn't that hard. Do you want to take it up to the balcony?"

"Sure." You grinned and she helped you take it upstairs.

You set it up on the balcony, facing the sky perfectly.

"I'm sorry I missed your calls and that you had such a bad day but I hope you know why I was so upset at you for doing what you did."

"I do." She said as she pulled you into her arms. "It was important to you."

"Well, now this one is important to me, too." You said with a smile. "Thank you."

"Anything for you, my girl." She smiled before bringing you in for a sweet kiss. "Can I look out it with you later?"

"I'd love that." You said as you kissed her again, both of you happy that everything was okay between you two again.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now