you fall down the stairs while pregnant (requested)

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"I'll be right back." You told Taylor as you got out of bed. "I'm going to grab a snack."

"Okay, baby. Be careful." She said and watched with a smile as you walked out of the bedroom.

You were humming to yourself as you made your way down the hall and to the staircase.

You were excited to grab a snack from downstairs to satisfy you and your growing baby boy.

You would've asked Taylor to grab it for you but she's been waiting on you hand and foot during your pregnancy so far and you wanted to do something on your own.

You walked down the steps, taking them all carefully.

But not carefully enough because you lost your footing and slid down some of the stairs.

As you fell, your foot had been under your butt, so, thankfully, you hadn't injured your bump or the baby.

The only pain you felt came from your foot and even though it was bad, you did feel comforted at the thought of things not being worse.

Still, nonetheless, you panicked.

"Taylor!" You yelled and heard Taylor hurry out of the bedroom and down the hall.

Seeing you at the bottom of the steps with a look of pain on your face scared her and she quickly hurried to your side.

"What happened, darling?" She asked.

At first, it just looked as though you were sitting on the steps.

But then, as she looked closer, she noticed your foot was a little swollen and you looked like you were really hurting.

"I fell."

"What!?" She asked as she rubbed your shoulder. "Are you okay? Is the baby okay?"

"I think so. My foot hurts bad though, Tay," Yoh sniffled.

"I'm going to take you to the hospital, just to be safe," She said.

She ran upstairs to grab her phone and then hurried down the stairs to your side again.

She helped you up and grabbed her keys and purse before helping you out to the car.

"It's alright, my love. Everything's okay." She said as she caressed your bump.

She gave you a kiss on your forehead before she started to drive and as she did so, you felt the baby moving around.

You could feel their feet pressing against your stomach and you felt relieved to feel them moving around so much.

"Hey, baby boy." You said as you rubbed your bump, taking Taylor's hand to place it over your stomach as she pulled up at a red light, the baby kicking again.

She smiled at the feeling as she, too, felt relieved.

She sped down the streets, careful yet quick as she hurried to the hospital.

You got inside and they took you back pretty fast.

"So what's going on here?" The doctor asked as he took a seat on the chair in the room.

"I fell down the stairs, I lost my footing. I think the baby is okay. I feel them moving around and I landed on my foot. My bump wasn't injured at all. But my foot hurts bad."

"Okay, let me take a look at it." The doctor spoke before he snapped some gloves on and examined your foot.

Your foot was a little bruised and swollen but the doctor was relieved to feel that it wasn't broken.

"You sprained it." He said.

"And the baby?" Taylor spoke as she nervously chewed on her lip.

"I'm certain the baby is fine but I can do a quick ultrasound just to be sure if that would make you both feel better."

Taylor nodded and took your hand as he set everything up for an ultrasound.

And you and Taylor were thrilled when you heard his steady heartbeat.

"There we go." The doctor spoke. "Safe and sound."

"Thank gosh," Taylor said as she kissed your forehead.

"You have a very healthy little boy. He's perfectly fine. Moving around, safe and happy."

You smiled and kissed Taylor as she leaned down and put her lips against yours.

"So make sure you elevate your foot for a while. Rest, use ice if you need it, and just take things very easy. Your foot needs some time to heal." The doctor said.

"Thank you so much!" Taylor said.

"No problem at all. Take care, okay? And feel better." He said before leaving the room.

"Alright, my babies, let's go home," Taylor said as she helped you off of the bed and out of the room.

"Tay? Can we stop for ice cream on the way?"

"Ice cream?" She laughed. "Don't you need to rest?"

"Yes, but the baby wanted it before I fell down the stairs and had to come here. Please?" You asked, giving her a little pout.

And she shook her head with a smile, knowing that there was no way she could ever say no.


"Yay!" You excitedly said.

"Just as long as you let me care for you and the baby for a while."

"Okay." You agreed and shared one more sweet kiss before she helped you into the car.

You rubbed your bump and stared at it adoringly, both you and Taylor feeling beyond grateful that your baby boy was safe and sound.

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