calling her mommy in front of people (requested)

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You sat in a crowded restaurant across from Taylor's parents and brother.

Your head rested on her shoulder and your hand was intertwined with hers as you listened to her talk and laugh with her family.

You keep noticing flashes of cameras coming from across the room as some people inside recognize Taylor snap some photos and take some videos.

But, for now, no one is coming up and bothering any of you so you're trying to just brush it off and spend time with your girl and what feels like your family, too.

You felt Taylor's other hand, the one that wasn't holding yours, fall against your thigh.

You looked down and saw her fingertips brushing across the skin that wasn't covered by your shorts.

You're sure she's doing it just because she wants to and you're sure her touch is innocent considering her hand isn't moving up at all.

However, you can't help but wish it was.

Taylor's blue nails delicately brushed across your skin and you bit your lip and grabbed it before moving it up to rest between your thighs, near that sensitive area of your body.

You're not sure what's coming over you exactly but you crave her touch.

Taylor, however, is very confused.

She turned to look at you and stared at you with her eyebrows raised and her blue eyes full of curiosity.

"What are you doing, my love?"

"Nothing. Just craving your touch, mommy."

She went wide-eyed as the word left your lips.

She looked across the booth to her parents and brother and she felt relieved that they hadn't heard you call her that.

She leaned in and whispered in your ear as she moved her fingers to the strings of your shorts, untying them very slowly.

"You are crossing a huge line, darling. Do you really want to call me that in public? You really want to find out what mommy will do to you?"

You felt your heart starting to race.

"What would you do, mommy? Would that make me... a bad girl?"

She smiled at you and looked across the booth again, making sure her mom and dad were occupied with talking to each other or her brother before she spoke again.

"You know damn well it would."

"Sorry, mommy." You said with a fake pout.

She sank her teeth into her red lips and tried to keep herself calm.

You're in public.

She can't take this too far, it could end so disastrously.

Not just because of her family but because people have surely recognized her tonight.

What if they saw or overheard something?

But... part of her also didn't care.

You're clearly acting out and calling her mommy in public just to see how she'd react, right?

Were your intentions innocent?

Or were you pushing her buttons on purpose?

"Mommy, just think of all we could do if we weren't in this crowded restaurant right now." You said before shrugging your shoulders. "Oh well."

She clenched her jaw.

"Keep calling me mommy, I dare you." She whispered to you.

You smiled and opened your menu.

"I might get the spaghetti or maybe a chicken salad. What about you, mommy?"

Your voice was still very quiet.

You were being daring but you didn't want anyone to hear you except for Tay.

"What are you gonna eat, mommy?"

"If you don't behave? Something that's not on this menu." She quietly warned.

You giggled and kissed her cheek before laying your head back on her shoulder, hoping that you had riled her up as much as she had you.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now