she has allergies (requested)

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The sound of Taylor sneezing loudly made you stir from your sleep.

You awoke to find that the sun was up and morning had arrived.

And that Taylor was not feeling well at all.

"Tay? Are you alright?"

She shook her head as she reached for another tissue before sneezing into it.

"Bless you, baby."

She sneezed again and then once more before she closed her eyes and breathed out a sigh of relief.

"I've been doing that for the last little while." She said. "I think my allergies are acting up. There's a lot of pollen in the air today."

She sneezed again as you reached over to rub her back comfortingly.

"I don't have any allergy pills either. I don't know what to do. I have a show tonight." She said, sounding super stuffy.

"It'll be okay, darling. We'll get you some medicine."

She sneezed again, groaning afterward.

"And some more tissues."

You and Taylor weren't the only ones on the bus.

Her team and family were as well and they had been awoken to the sound of Taylor sneezing a bunch, too.

"Are you okay, honey?" Andrea asked as she worriedly laid a hand on Taylor's forehead.

"It's just my allergies."

"Bless you, darling." You said as she sneezed once more. "My poor girl. You look awful."

"I feel awful." She said as she sniffled. "I hate allergies. I thought that I had more medicine but I'm out."

"I'll go to the store and get you some real quick. We'll get rid of these allergies in no time." Andrea said as she squeezed Taylor's shoulder.

"Thanks, Mom," Taylor said with a soft smile, only to reach for another tissue as yet another sneeze came on. "This is the worst."

"Shh, lay down, my love. She's going to get you some medicine now, so just try to relax." You said as you had Taylor lay back.

She closed her eyes with a clean tissue in her hand as she awaited the next sneeze.

She knew that she wasn't out of the woods just yet; she just had a little break in between sneezes for a moment.

Andrea went to the nearest convenience store to grab Taylor the best medicine she could get before returning.

"Here, Taylor. Take this." Andrea said as she handed you an allergy pill and you handed it to Taylor, who quickly swallowed it down with a few sips of water.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, honey," Andrea said.

"I have to be better soon. I have a show."

"Don't worry about that, Tay. Don't worry about anything right now. You just  focus on getting a little rest and trying to relax a little. Your allergies  will be gone before you know it." You said as you covered her up with the blanket.

You and Andrea exchanged a look of sadness.

You hate seeing your girl this way.

You hated seeing her so miserable and knowing there wasn't much you could do to help other than be here for her and comfort her.

"Achoo!" Taylor sneezed again.

"Bless you, my love." You said, softly kissing her shoulder.

She smiled a little as she stared down at you.

"Feel okay?"

"For now." She sniffled. "It'll take a little  while for the pill to kick in but I feel okay for right now. I'm just glad I'm no longer sneezing my head off."

You chuckled and kissed her neck softly.

"We feel so bad, Taylor. We wish we could help you somehow." Andrea spoke.

"You did. You got me my pills, which will help a lot once it takes effect. For now, I just want to lay here with my girl and relax and I'm sure I'll be better by tonight."

"I'm sure you will, sweetheart. Feel better soon." Andrea said with a reassuring smile before walking away, giving you and Taylor a little alone time.

"I love you, baby. Feel better soon, okay?" You said as you kissed her neck again.

"I love you more." She said as her eyes slipped shut and she began to drift off to sleep with you in her arms, hoping to wake up feeling a little better.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now