she overworks herself sick (requested)

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"Tay!" You said cheerfully as you saw Taylor come through the front door. "I missed you today! How was your day?"

You got up and walked to her before throwing your arms around you.

As she went to answer you, she suddenly raised her elbow to her lips and coughed into it.

Now that you were taking a good look at her, you could see just how unwell she seemed to be.

She looked exhausted and her skin had lost most of its color.

"Are you okay, baby?"

"No." She said as she coughed again. "I don't feel very well."

"You're sick, baby?" You frowned as you gently placed your hand on her forehead.

She felt warm.

She was running a fever for sure.

"Oh, my poor girl." You said as you caressed her cheek. "Come on, let's get you up to bed."

You led her upstairs to your shared bedroom and helped her change out of her clothes and into her pajamas.

"Lay down, my love. I'm going to go see if we have any medicine."

She nodded and watched you leave the room before closing her tired eyes.

You searched through the medicine cabinet and finally found some cold medicine, which is what you're sure she's coming down with.

So you returned to the bedroom and sat down on the edge of the bed by Taylor.

"Baby? Can you open your eyes for me?"

She slowly did as you asked and opened her eyes to look at you.

"I found some medicine. Can you take it for me?" You asked as you poured some into the cap and held it out for her to take.

She wasn't exactly happy about it but she did take it, much to your relief.

"Okay. Lay back down, baby." You said as you kissed her warm forehead.

She did as you said and stared at you with tired eyes, barely open.

"You've been working so hard and barely sleeping lately, Tay. You're overworked."

"I know but I just wanted to release more of my own work. I want to make my fans happy and I have so much planned."

"You can do more when you recover. But until you're better, you're staying in bed and getting some rest. I don't care if it takes two days or two weeks, you're not lifting a finger until you're better."

"Yes, ma'am." She chuckled.

"I'm just trying to take care of you, baby."

"I know and I appreciate it. Can I have some cuddles?"

"Always." You smiled and curled up to her, giving her the cuddles she so desperately needed.

"I love you so much. Thank you for caring and for taking care of me."

"You're welcome, my love. I love you too. Now try and get some rest. You deserve it."

She closed her eyes as you kissed her cheek.

Drifting off to sleep with you in her arms, you both hoped she'd feel much better soon.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now