she protects you (requested)

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You walked down the streets of New York City on your own.

With your headphones in and your phone in your hand, you made your way to your destination to meet up with your friends.

It's your first time visiting New York City and you're enjoying every second and every experience so far.

You were still quite a few minutes away from the subway, which you have to take to get to the place where you'd be meeting up with your friends.

But you don't mind; you like the walk and the scenery surrounding you.

However, as you continued to walk, something began to feel off.

You could hear footsteps on the ground behind you.

You didn't think too much of it because you know New York City is populated by many and you were guaranteed to have people walking behind you at some point.

But this just felt different.

You took out your headphones and turned your head to find a man following behind you and as your eyes met, he got closer and closer to you to the point where he was so close he could touch you.

"Hi." The man spoke. "Can I have your number?"

"No." You said as you began to feel some bad vibes from the guy. "Please leave me alone."

"You're so pretty. Is this your first time in NYC?"

You didn't reply, you just moved your feet faster on the ground.

"Come on, you tease. Just give me your damn number!"

You started to run down the streets as you looked behind you to see if he was following you, which he was.

Suddenly, you bumped into someone in front of you, and you quickly began to feel guilty for doing so.

"Oh, gosh. I'm so sorry!"

You lifted your head to find a beautiful girl standing in front of you.

But she looked concerned as she watched you try and catch your breath as you looked over your shoulder in a panic.

"Hey, are you okay?"

"No. Some creep is following me. He won't leave me alone!"

And that's when you saw him again.

He was standing just across the street from you and as your eyes full of fear met his, he smirked.

"Is that him?"


"Come on." She said before grabbing your hand. "Just go along with this."

You didn't know what she meant but you felt so terrified of the guy that you didn't complain.

If she had a plan of some sort, you'd be following it.

As the guy made his way across the street, she stepped in front of you protectively.

"Is there a problem here? Why do you keep following my girlfriend?"

"Your girlfriend?"

"Yes, my girlfriend. Look, I think she made it perfectly clear that she's not interested. She doesn't want your number. She doesn't want anything to do with you. Leave her alone."

"I want her."

"Too damn bad. It's not happening. Now walk away. Or else you're going to regret it. Do I make myself clear?"

The guy clenched his jaw as he looked between you and the girl holding your hand so tightly, so protectively.

"Walk. Away." She said as she clenched her jaw. "You think I won't do anything to keep her safe? Come on, try me. You're not getting to her."

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