she gets sick before a show (requested)

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"Are you done, baby?" You asked Taylor as you gently held back her hair as she vomited into the garbage can on her lap.

She had finished a few seconds ago but with her stomach still turning, she didn't know if she was truly done.

"I don't know." She said as she lifted her head.

Andrea and Scott were also in her dressing room with you and Taylor and Andrea quickly pressed her hand against Taylor's forehead in concern.

"She's burning up."

"I don't know what's wrong with her but she's very sick. She shouldn't perform tonight." Scott said worriedly.

"What? No. I have to!"

"Tay, you can always reschedule the show for when you're better." You said, trying to rationalize with her.

"The fans are already coming in for the show. They're counting on me." Taylor spoke as she looked between you and her parents.

"Taylor, honey, look how sick you are. It's probably the flu. Not only can you not stop being sick, but you don't want to get your fans or crew sick." Andrea said.

Taylor looked sad as she realized they were right.

She knew she wouldn't be able to give it her all tonight.

However, she has rarely ever canceled a show.

She performs through anything and everything unless it were to put her safety or other people's safety at risk.

With how sick she is, she knows she can't perform.

She feels as though she can barely stand up and keeping her dinner down is nearly impossible as her stomach is still turning like she's going to be sick again.

It wasn't going to be possible for her to perform tonight, as much as she hated to admit it.

"Darling, your fans will understand. They only want what's best for you and if you're too sick to perform, they'll understand."

She sighed before nodding her head.

"Tree?" You called out and Tree hurried into the room.

You explained the situation to her and as Taylor prepared to get sick again, she went out on stage to explain to the fans that Taylor wouldn't be performing tonight and that she would happily reschedule for a few days from now.

You held back Taylor's hair as she got sick again and rubbed her back comfortingly with your other hand.

"Anything I can get for you, my love? Do you need anything?" You asked.

"Just you." She said as she finished getting sick a moment later.

"I'm here, Taylor; I'm right here." You promised as you continued to comfort her, relieved that she could spend the night resting instead of pushing herself.

Taylor Swift Imagines - Book Five (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now