𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚊𝚜𝚝 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 .

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Maggie woke up to the sunlight coming from her shear curtains. She groaned, getting up.

She changed into a button up shirt and put on a tie.

She grabbed her shoes and bag, and headed out her room.

Maggie smelt breakfast as she was coming downstairs but when she got in the kitchen she saw that there was nothing left. Jeremy and Elena had ate it all.

" Sorry Maggie too slow." Jeremy joked.

Jeremy and Maggie always had a close bond, but it was Elena who she wasn't really close with.

She sighed and filled up her cup with coffee and grabbed an apple.

She heard honking then heard " Bonnie's outside, Jeremy do you need a ride?"

" Yeah, I'm coming."

Elena nodded and walked out the door, Jeremy following her.

She took a bite out her apple and started walking to school.


Alaric/Klaus opens up the closet and starts looking through his clothes.

" Who is this guy Safari Sam?" He said, finally grabbing two shirts.

" Okay, bad or badder?"

"The dark color suits yo better." Katherine stated.

"Oh, thank you, honey. Okay, pop quiz. The dagger and the white ash are in the Salvatores possession, correct?" Alaric/Klaus asked while putting on the shirt.

" The dagger was used to kill Elijah. You'll find him in the basement of the Salvatore house."

"Okay, that dagger needs to stay exactly where it is. The last thing I need to do is resurrect Elijah. Oh, that guy's a buzz kill."

" Don't forget your on the outsides with your girlfriend Jenna."

" Right. Elena's aunt. For, uh, all the lies about Isabel. What else." Klaus/Alaric asked while getting closer to Katherine.

" That's it." Katherine finished. Klaus/Alaric brushed his hand on the side of Katherine's face and she jumped not liking the feeling.

" So jumpy."

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Maggie had finally made it to school and went straight to her locker.

There were decorations for the dance everywhere. After leaving her locker, she went straight to History's class.

She sat down all the way in the back. In the front she had seen Elena waving a poster at Stefan for the decade dance, asking for his approval.

He shook his head no so she turned to Bonnie doing the same, she shook her head yes, and Elena proudly turned to Stefan and mouthed " see."

Maggie however rolled her eyes and took out her sketch book, and started sketching a werewolf, waiting for Alaric.

Elena and her whole gang didn't know that she knew about the supernatural world but she not only found out about it but found out she was apart of it, a witch or like Shelia said, a lunar witch. She had went to Shelia after she overheard Bonnie telling Elena she was a witch. Shelia gave her a spell book that told her all she needed to know.

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