𝙱𝚒𝚛𝚝𝚑𝚍𝚊𝚢𝚜 .

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Maggie had changed a lot in the past few months, she had become way more confident and popular. Hanna had become one of her best friend and they were practically inseparable apart from the secret she had to keep. Damon had told the others that Maggie knew about the supernatural and she said she just overheard them speaking about it one day. Even though this was the happiest she had been in awhile, she still felt empty.


" Fuck her. I mean she gets a whole party for her birthday but I didn't even get a ' Happy Birthday' from anyone. Me and Elena aren't twins but they did have us on the same day, sadly. That totally didn't make since, I'm turning 18 and she's turning 17. I seriously hate her Hanna."

" Calm down, Mags. Plus not everybody forgot about your birthday." She said as she hopped out of her bed, grabbing a box.

" Hanna, you didn't have to-"

" Open it, now!" She said as she put the box back in my lap.

Maggie slowly opened the box and saw a pink cupcake with candles poking out, not lit yet.

" Hanna, I wanna show you something."

" Okay."

Maggie closed her eyes and imagined the candles on the cupcake being lit, and when she opened her eyes they were.

She looked at Hanna who stood there shocked.

" Please say something." she murmured.

After a moment of silence  a huge smile came onto her face.

" O.M.G my best friend is a witch!" she practically squealed.

Before she could respond, Hanna engulfed her into a tight hug.

" Hanna you can't tell anyone." Maggie barely got out.

" Of course I wont. Oh my god, this is so cool. The candles, make a wish!"

Maggie closed her eyes and blew out the candles, wishing for a better life.

" What'd you wish for?" She asked

" It's a secret." Maggie responded with a smile.

" So are unicorns real to?!" Hanna asked excitedly.

Maggie let out a laugh before saying " Not exactly."

While Maggie was filling in Hanna about the supernatural, she couldn't help but show her smile, feeling relieved that she didn't have to keep this secret anymore.

A/N: This was a short chapter but i still loved it. It's hard to add my Oc in these episodes so yea. I know Elena's turning 18 in tvd but I made her turn 17 for the plot.

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