𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗 .

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Maggie had woke up early to get some coffee. She was sitting in a booth drinking coffee while texting Hanna.

She grabbed the book in her bag and started to read while she waited for Hanna to respond.

She sat there for a long time, until she looked up to see Damon and Alaric sitting at the bar.

Maggie decided to go irritate Damon so she grabbed all her things and stood up.

" What's up grumpy." She said as she took a seat next to Damon.

Damon turned his head to her and rolled his eyes.

" Not in the mood, bash."

" Aww, is Damon Salvatore upset? How sad." She teased.

" I screwed up." Damon mumbled.

Alaric came and sat next to him after getting them drinks and said " Yeah. Yeah, you did."

" Gentlemen. Why so glum?" A new voice asked. Directing the last part to Damon.

"Um, I'm a lady." She said as she rolled her eyes, sitting down and taking Damon's drink.

" Ugh,. Klaus, I presume."

Maggie turned her gaze to see a guy with dirty-blonde hair and blue-green eyes standing behind her. Wow, he was attractive. His aura was orange, something she hadn't seen before, usually vampires were red, werewolf's were yellow, and other witches were white.

She was snapped out of her thoughts with him saying " In the flesh. Thanks, for the loner, mate. And who might you be, love." His gaze shifting to Maggie.

Before Maggie could answer Damon stood up stepping in front of her protectively "Any reason you stopped by to say hi?"

" I'm told you and your brother fancy my doppelganger. Just thought I'd remind you not to do anything you'll regret."

Damon chuckled " Thanks for the advice. I dont suppose I could talk you into a postponement by any chance, huh?"

Klaus chuckled in response " You are kidding. He is kidding right."

" No. Never." She snorted.

" I mean, come on what's one month in the whole grand scheme of things."

"Let me be clear. I have my vampire. I have my werewolf. I have everything I need. The ritual will happen tonight. So if you want to live to see tomorrow dont screw it up." He advised before beginning to walk away.

" Oh and love, I never got your name."

Before Damon could stop her she responded " Oh it's Maggie, Maggie Gilbert."

He smirked and nodded before walking away.

Damon turned around and his gaze filled with curiosity, " How come you don't seem shocked about hearing about rituals and vampires."

" Maybe because I know about the supernatural world. That you are a vampire, along with Stefan and Caroline, Ric here is a vampire hunter, Bonnie is a witch, and Elena is a doppelganger."

Alaric and Damon were both shocked to say the least, but she just rolled her eyes and looked at her phone.

"Shit, I got to go." She quickly said as she grabbed her bag and stood up.

" Wait, we're not done talking about this!" He shouted since she was already at the door.

" Bye, Damon."

Before she left she heard Damon shout " Oh and stay away from Klaus! He's dangerous!"

After she left the grill she started walking into the woods.

Every time there was a full moon, her powers would freak out, so she decided to isolate herself in the nature, where she oddly felt safest.

As she was walking she heard a tree branch behind her so she quickly turned around to see nothing. She heard a whoosh sound from behind her so she quickly tuned again to find nothing.

" Damon if this is you, stop playing around!" She shouted.

She felt someone behind her so her leg quickly kicked behind her, colliding dead center with someone's chest. She heard them stumble, so she turned around to see Klaus.

" You picked the wrong day to fuck with me. What the hell do you want."

He looked up at her and chuckled " I was just curious, love."

" Curious of what?"

" Why a girl would be walking into the woods by herself when she knows very dangerous creatures love to stay here."

She snorted, knowing that he thought she was some defenseless little girl.

" Is something funny, love?" He asked.

" Yeah, that you truly think that im some defenseless child. I can protect myself."

Klaus decided to test this theory by speeding towards her trying to attack her, but she acted first and raised her hand, blasting him back into a tree.

" Nice try, but your pretty slow compared to me, now can you leave me the hell alone?"

" You're a witch." Klaus examined.

" Yeah, and what the hell are you? Vampire or wolf?" She asked.

He smirked and said " How about both, love."

She nodded, knowing it made sense. That's why his aura was orange, red and yellow.

She looked around and found a rock, she sat down on it and saw how it was beginning to become night.

" What are you doing, aren't you suppose to be plotting against me, with your sister?"

" Now, why would I do that? You haven't done anything wrong to me?" She answered.

" So you dont know?" He asked, there eyes colliding.

"Probably not. They barely tell me stuff, so I barely tell them stuff. So could you please not tell them im a witch. All they'll do is use me like they use Bonnie."  She trailed off before adding "Sorry got off track, no I dont know"

He chuckled at her actions before sitting next to her.

" Well then let me catch you up. I'm a hybrid but my werewolf side was cursed away. In order to break this curse, I have to sacrifice a vampire, kwerewolf, and a doppelganger. Which so happens to be your sister." He explained.

" How long have you been waiting to break your curse?"

"1009 years, but why is that the thing your worried about, not your sister."

She contemplated whether she should open up to him or lie, but he didn't have to fill her in so she decided to tell him.

" Elena has hated me ever since our parents died, so she made everybody else hate me too. I have no friends because of her and she made sure I had no relationships, hell me and Stefan were dating first until she stole him from me. So im sorry if I should give a fuck whether she dies or lives." She deadpanned.

" I'm sorry, love you didn't deserve that. At least it wasn't your parents, my father despised me." He didn't know why he said what he said, but he felt compelled to open up to the young witch.

Maggie looked around noticing the moon was beginning to come up, so she said, " Don't you have a ritual to get too?"

" Indeed I do, see you around love." He said before disappearing into the night.

Maggie stayed there until she felt tired enough to go home and go to sleep.

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