𝚂𝚖𝚎𝚕𝚕𝚜 𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝚃𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚝 .

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Maggie woke up with a bad headache and slowly started to remember what had happened. She didn't think it was possible to hate someone as much as she hated Klaus.

She had heard a door open and close in the hallway so she got up and opened her door.

She saw Elena about to walk down the stairs so she whispered, " Where are you going?"

Elena jumped at her voice and said, " Going to train with Alaric, is that a problem?"

" Elena it's 6 in the morning, why do you already have a bitchy attitude?" She said before closing her door.

Maggie grabbed her phone off her nightstand and tapped on Grumpy.

She waited for him to answer but got voicemail so she said, " Damon, Im bored. So I'm coming over."


Maggie knocked on The Salvatore's door but didn't get an answer so she magically opened the door.

When she got in she heard Damon complaining about a rug to Stefan.

No one realized that she was there so she snuck up behind Damon and slapped him in the head.

Stefan let out a chuckle meanwhile Damon sent her a glare.

" Do you not know how to answer a phone? Or the door?" Maggie asked as she sat next to Stefan, who was playing twister with women.

" So this is what Klaus had in mind when he compelled you to protect Elena?" Damon asked ignoring her.

" These ladies are helping me be all that I can be." Stefan said before they heard a knock at the door.

Damon glared at Stefan one last time before going to open the door.

" So your ears do work." Maggie said clearly irritated.

Stefan chuckled again before putting his arm behind Maggie on the couch.

" Where's Stefan?" Rebekah asked barging past Damon with bags.

" Who the hell are you?"

" He left me here. My brother actually left me here."

" Oh, Im sorry, your tone implies that Im actually supposed to care." Stefan remarked.

"You're Klaus' sister?" Damon asked.

" Rebekah. Pleasure, Im sure. Which ones my room?"

" You're not staying here."

" Rude. Both of you. Ill see to it myself."

" So I guess she's staying here." Stefan said as Maggie laughed.

Damon glared at the both of them before walking away.

" Well, Im going to let you continue playing with this.." She said pointing to the girls before walking upstairs.

She walked through the halls until she saw a bright red aura flashing through one of the doors.

She knocked on the door and heard, " Come in!"

Maggie walked through the door and saw Rebekah sitting on the bed.

" Hey, be careful about sleeping here, Damon may try to strangle you in your sleep."

" Im sorry, who are you?"

" Sorry, my name is Maggie. You've probably met my bitchy sister."

Rebekah laughed at this and asked, " Your Elenas sister?"

" Unfortunately."

" That's how I feel about Klaus, he's infuriating." Rebekah almost shouted.

" Tell me about it."

" Well, it was nice talking to you, but I have to go to school."

Maggie laughed before nodding, " See you around, Rebekah."

She walked down the hall into Damons room but he wasn't there so she just went back home.


Maggie was sitting in a classroom with the Scooby doo gang as they made a plan to get rid of Stefan.

" I'll lure Stefan away from the bonfire then when he's distracted.." Elena started.

" I'll shoot him." Alaric finished.

" Can't Bonnie just juju him or something?" Damon asked.

" Im trying to keep Bonnie out of this. I don't trust that Stefan won't hurt her. Caroline, are you covered?"

" Yes! I will make sure that the old Forbes jail cell is prepped and ready."

" We're forgetting a key player here. Rebekah? Wherever Stefan goes, the blonde ponytail tends to follow." Damon remarked.

" Which is why it's your job to keep her away."

" How? She's an original. Last time I checked, we're out of daggers." Damon said as Maggie hopped off the desk.

" Well since Im clearly not in this plan, I'm going to go have fun." Maggie said as she walked back outside.

As she walked around she saw Rebekah trying to get beer so she went up to help, " Hey, let me help you with that."

" Thanks. This is all kind of new to me."

" I get it, I used to stay in all the time. My first time doing this was a struggle too." She said as she grabbed the tube and gave it to Rebekah.

Before Rebekah could pour herself some beer, Stefan took the tube and did it himself, " You alright there?"

" I thought Tyler would be here."

" You're into to Tyler now, huh?"

" Stefan you fell in love with someone who looks like your ex who broke your heart. You cant really judge can you?" Maggie asked smugly.

Stefan just glared while Rebekah laughed.

As they all started joking, Elena came and said, " Excuse me."

" Elena, hi. What are you doing?" Stefan asked.

" Im having fun, Stefan. You have a problem with that?" She said as she chugged her beer.

" Alright, take it easy. We both know you're kind of a lightweight."

" Really? You think I'm going to let a blood addict tell me how to drink?"

" Damn, she told you. Ripper" Maggie taunted.

Rebekah burst out laughing and Maggie joined in as Stefan just glared.

" Well, if you two are done I have to go babysit a doppelganger."

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