Letting go- Part 1

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Her eyes screamed joy. Turning towards me, she squealed, "Darsh!! Look at this." She handed me a file of papers, which seemed to be some official documents. I took a quick look into them, scanning it top to bottom. My lips curved into a smile, of pride, of satisfaction, of joy, of inexpressible emotions. "I'm so proud of you." I managed to say, before tears of happiness rolled down my eyes. I knew she could do it, she would do it, and now, look at her, she DID it. 

She smiled at me and gently put her arm around my shoulder; leaning onto me, she said, "I will be leaving soon." She looked down sorrowfully, "But,  I will miss us, all the insignificant yet precious moments, all the painfully loving memories. I will miss you. "

"I will too." I said gently squeezed her arms, reassuring that she was going to be fine, and I was too. 
"You will be fine, na? I will video call you everyday checking up on you." She said in a tone of skepticism.
"Yes, I will be fine. We will be our fine. There is nothing to worry about. We will be just as we are now. Remember, we are strong, and will remain so." I gave a smile of reassurance to her.
"I will leave tomorrow then." She smiled as she went to pack her belongings.

The night was a tough one. I kept tossing and turning unable to sleep all night. As much as I was happy for her success, I was equally scared about our future. I have not had many positive encounters with long distance, but I had to suppress such thoughts for her. I didn't want to held her back.


"I can drop you off at the airport." I offered to her.
"Oh, thank you so much Darsh. You are the best. I don't even know how I am going so spend the following years without you." She said.
I kept silent, for had a spoken she might have changed her mind about going to Germany to fulfil her dreams and build her career.

I drove the car, as we both sat silently, enjoying the silence, and letting the silence speak.
Soon we reached the  airport. She went inside, and waved me a goodbye. I muttered one too, hoping that it wasn't going to be the last 'good bye'.

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