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Ever since I bumped into Luke again at the studio, I've wanted to see him again but I knew nothing about him.

All I knew was that he worked at one of my favourite cafe shops and that his name was Luke.

The blonde haired boy played on my mind literally every minute of every day. It was weird, I've never really felt this way about anyone before. Not even ex boyfriends or girlfriends.

Today I had another day off but I had nothing to do. Jace was visiting Millie and all my other old school friends had other plans.

Maybe I could go to the cafe and 'accidentally' bump into Luke... Sounds kind of stalkerish but it's the only way I'll get to know about him.

I decided to finally get out of my bed at 10 am and quickly got dressed before leaving.

The Cafe wasn't too far so I decided to walk and enjoy the warm Australian sun.

After a 20 minute stroll I finally reached the cafe and was disappointed to see that Luke wasn't working yet. My plan had failed.

I had nothing else to do so i went in and ordered some food and went to sit at the back of a cafe, with a good view of the door. I'm a creep. I should have thought about my plan properly. It was only 10:30am so maybe he was at school? Or college? This was a bad plan.

I took out my phone and decided to scroll through twitter and see what my fans were saying about me. Many of them were excited about me having time at home and writing for the new album. I hadn't been in the limelight for a few months since I was on tour and didn't have time to release a new single.

Since I would have nothing to do for the next few hours I decided to do a question and follow spree. @MichaelClifford: Tweet spree for the next few hours! Use the hashtag #AskMichael :)

Within minutes my mentions were blowing up with questions ranging from what my favourite type of pizza was to which which was my favourite song off of the album. I answered most of them but one question made me laugh. @CalumisMGCSbitch: When are we going to date so I can suck your dick? :(( I laughed out loud before retweeting and favoriting it then hit his follow button.

A few hours had passed and I stopped answering questions once I had hit a follow limit. It was 4:30 now. Fuck, time flies by when you're reading questions from fans.

I was slowly starting to give up hope now. Maybe Luke wasn't working today and so I'll have to come back another day. With a heavy sigh, I put my phone in my pocket and made my way to the exit. Just as I was about to reach for the door, the door swung open and hit me right in the face.

"Fuck! Shit i'm so sorry!"

I held my nose and looked at the person who had probably bruised my face and smiled to myself when my eyes locked with those certain blue eyes.

"Third time we've met in the past 3 days," I said with a grin but winced when my nose started throbbing.

"Third time's a charm right," Luke chuckled but stopped when he saw how much pain I was in.

"Can I get you some ice? I feel so so bad," Luke said as he put his arm around my waist and took me to the back room where employees went.

"Stay here, I'll be back in a second!" he quickly said before disappearing again.

I smiled to myself because I had seen Luke again. Okay it wasn't an ideal situation since my nose is sorta bruised but it was fine because I had met Luke again.

He returned with a bag of ice and a glass of water. "Here you go. I'm so sorry again."

I placed the bag of ice on my nose and said thank you. "So what were you doing here?" Luke asked. Should I be honest? Should I tell him I came here in hopes of seeing him again?

"Uh... I kinda wanted to see you again? And I knew you worked here and that was all I knew about you so um yeah. I know it's kinda creepy. Sorry," I apologised, looking down quickly.

He let out a cute giggle and shook his head. "No, I find that cute." Oh god, oh god, oh god. He just called me cute and not creepy. Okay, calm down.

"So why did you want to see me again?" He questioned.

"Uh... I wanted to know like more about you. I only know your name is Luke and that you work here.. I find you like really cute and attractive and I just wanna know more about you," I told him honestly.

Luke blushed and smiled wide enough so that his dimples were on show. Damn it, why does my heart start beating when ever he does that.

"Okay, well my shift here is about to start so why don't we trade numbers and we can decide on a time to meet up?" he suggested whilst biting his lip ring.

"Uh, like a date?" I asked, readjusting the ice on my nose.

"It can be a date if you want it to be one," he smiled.

"Well then yeah, we can make it a date," I smiled back. We stared at each other for a few seconds before he coughed and took out his phone.

"Trading numbers?"

"Oh yeah! Sure," I said as I handed him my phone and took his. I typed in my number and saved my name as Michael :) and a red love heart because my hair was still red.

"Here you go," he smiled as he handed me back my phone. We both stood up and started at each other. It was slightly awkward since we didn't really know what to say.

"Uh, I'm sorry for hitting you with the door again," he blushed.

"No worries, it doesn't even hurt anymore.. The ice helped so thanks."

"My shift starts now... So uh I'll text you later today?"

"Yeah, that's cool. So I'll see you around?" I asked, shifting on my feet a little.


We left the back room and said our goodbyes, which was pretty awkward because we don't know how to act with each other. As I reached the door, I looked back at Luke to see him smiling at a customer and my heart couldn't help but flutter.

Even though my plan was really stupid, it ended up working in my favour because I finally have his number and we're arranging to go on a date.

A/N Yay, Muke date coming up :D The next chapter will have Calum in it don't worry.

I hope you guys are liking it at the moment. Comment stuff you would like to happen or stuff I could do to make the story better.

4 votes/ 4 comments for the next chapter??

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