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"Now class please tidy up your desks before you leave the classroom." The teacher slowly walks out of the classroom while all the teens pack up their bags. A group of girls near the end of the classroom are huddled together gossiping as per usual.
"Have you guys spoken to that new girl yet? She has been very quiet this whole week."

"I haven't spoken to her but I knew Rebecca did and she completely shut her down."

The girls stopped talking as they saw the girl they were talking about leaving the classroom and watched her walk away then continue talking as she makes her way out of school. 

Yep, that's right those girls were talking about me, poor little old me. I'm Hope I am 17 years old I moved here 2 weeks ago. My family tends to travel a lot due to my father's work so it's hard to stay in one place but atlas this is our final stop here. 

"i'm home." I locked the door behind my back and walked upstairs heading to my room. "Welcome home sweetie how was school?" I hesitated to answer my mother's question but i brushed it off and replied with the same boring answer. "it was alright." My mother smiled at me by the end of the stairs as I started to head up. 

"don't forget dear to always study we can't have failing grades." I calmly shouted "yes mother" as I head inside my bedroom. My parents want what's best for me to get a great job like a lawyer or being a doctor so they drilled that education is the most important in life in me.  

So I never really have these people you call friends and I seem better without them. As I took my study books out from my backpack I heard a creak from my door. I slowly turned my head from the side and there I saw my dog Milo coming into my room. 

Hey boy, I pet Milo as i saw him wagging his tail in contentment. Scratch that my only friend I consider having is Milo. I hugged Milo then got up and continued back to what I was doing. "back to studying again.." 

On Monday

The bell rang for lunch so I got out my lunch box and was about to eat my food in the classroom until 3 girls walked up to me. Oh great it the 3 girls that were gossiping about me 2 days ago. 
"Hey Hope we were just wondering why you weren't helping us earlier in English class?" The girl who is talking right now is Ariel you could say she is like the queen of drama in this class. 

"I didn't want to help you cause I got my own work to do and besides you didn't pay attention in class so that's on you." The expression she gave me after I said those words didn't seem pleasant. 

"Oh ok I see now you little smart ass.. This is why you have no friends Hope." There she goes bitching about me and her friends just laughing away agreeing with her. This is the same old thing just like last school and other schools.

I stood up from my desk surprising the girls in front of me as I grabbed my lunch and headed out of the classroom. "HEY! WHERE ARE YO-" I closed the classroom door and cut Ariel off before I started Roaming the halls. 

Now where do I go I eat in that classroom since it seems to be the quietest place..Until Ariel and her Goons showed up a day after I entered this school. Maybe I could eat in the halls? I looked around and noticed a lot of students are doing that so never mind.. 

Then I noticed a door that leads to the roof maybe I should eat my lunch on the roof? I heard students are allowed on the roof if they are careful up there. I opened the door and made my way up the stairs. 

I opened the door and looked around, it was very big and there were short metal fences around it. as i took a step away from the door i noticed at the corner of my eye a girl wearing black and grey clothes leaning on the metal fence holding something in her hand.  

I stared at her but then her eyes slowly opened and gazed at mine they are a lovely shade of dark blue but they sort of looked kind of soul less to me. Then I heard her and that which stopped us from making eye contact. 

"Are you eating up here?.."

This was the day that I started a new path that I didn't know I was making till later on.

To Be Continued. 

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